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Hayden’s Avatar
Hayden May 07 271 views

What is your typical daily routine as a web developer?

I'm in 8th grade and I'm just trying to find out some information about this particular job.

Ivy’s Avatar
Ivy May 06 881 views

why is python necessary?

i want to lean

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Apr 29 513 views

what is the best way to gain enough knowledge?

I'm in my 7th grade

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Apr 19 416 views

How to become a Cloud Engineer?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Cloud Engineer?

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Apr 18 569 views

Why is programming not thought at my class level?

I am 14 years old I have passion for computer programming and development. I have been going online through many articles and lecture on computer programming please where else can I get more information and learning outlet for computer programming. Why is programming not thought at my class level?

george’s Avatar
george Apr 18 745 views

how useful are computer skills?

how is the knowledge

betty’s Avatar
betty Apr 12 371 views

what is the best engineering course?

career tips

Kieran’s Avatar
Kieran Apr 17 1104 views

What is the best roadmap for learning programming?

I have only a little bit of knowledge in Python and I'm interested in building projects so that I can have a portfolio to showcase to employers. I don't want to rely on online tutorials in order to program my projects.