Gabriela’s Career Goals
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Should I address my upward curve in my college app?
I'm currently a high school sophomore and I'm doing much better than when I was a freshman. When I was a freshman, the worst I'd get was straight C's with a few B's here and there. I raised my GPA from a 2.8 to a 3.1 on a 4.0 scale. Currently, as a sophomore, I'm excelling in all my classes and...

Is there anywhere I can get my essays reviewed for free?
I don't have a job and I don't want to bother my English teacher with essays that aren't written for her class. Are there any other websites/people/etc. I could get my essays reviewed for free? #essay #feedback #essay-feedback #review

Is there anything I should know before starting college?
I'm really worried about not being prepared for college. Is there anything I should know/do that will help me before and during my college years? #college-advice #college

Should I put community service/clubs/etc. that aren't necessarily in my career path on my college application?
I plan on studying pharamceutical sciences and anything related. I am in a few clubs and organizations that will give me experience and show that I am dedicated to my decision. However, I'm also in other clubs/organizations that are more or less recreational and have little to nothing to do...

How can I make myself a more attractive out-of-state applicant to colleges?
I'm planning on applying to NYU. However, since I live all the way down in Florida and my single mother is low income, I can't afford to visit the campus plus all the other campuses of the schools I plan on going to. I want to communicate with students and admission counselors from the school...

What are the best loans to take out?
The scholarships I have are extremely helpful but they won't pay for the full tuition cost. I'm an extremely low-income student so I already know I'm eligible for many student loans. Which loans have the best qualities and which loans should be my absolutely last option? #student-loans #college...

Are there any places I can volunteer that would show my commitment to wanting to be a pharmacist?
There are a lot of hospices and hospitals that I want to volunteer at but I'm not old enough to yet. I want to start showing my passion for pharmacy and medicine now. What type of places can I volunteer at that will show I'm dedicated to pursuing a pharmaceutical degree? #pharmacist #pharmacy...

How can I handle a part-time job and college at the same time?
I'm not in college but I do plan on working part-time while doing full-time college. Are there any ways I can prepare myself? #work-life-balance #college-advice #job #student #college

How can I show colleges that I am eager to go to their school?
There's going to be an information session for a school I plan on applying which I will be attending. What can I do to show the advisors that I am passionate about their school? What questions should I ask? #college #college-selection #school #college-admissions

Is living on campus better than living off campus?
I want to go to NYU but I'm not sure where to stay. I'd like to live off campus in an apartment with a roommate but, considering how expensive it is to live in NYC, I'm not sure that would be a good idea. Would it better to live on campus in a dorm or off campus in an apartment? #college...

What are some ways I can make my college application stand out?
I'm worried my college application will look like any other. I want colleges to be in awe with my application. What are some ways I can make that happen? #college #college-advice #college-admissions #university

Is graduating early a good idea?
I go to a public virtual school where I have the ability to work ahead and graduate early. I've asked many teachers and friends if graduating early is a good idea and I've gotten many mixed responses. Are there any cons to graduating early that could outweigh the pros? #college #education...

What do I need to major in if I want to be a pharmacist?
For the sake of saving money, I want to go to my local community college for the first two years and then transfer to a four-year institution. However, my community college doesn't offer a pharmaceutical science major. I am considering going to an out-of-state community college but it'd just...

Tips for essay writing?
I'm currently a sophomore attending a public virtual school. Though I still have two more years of school, I want to improve my writing skills. How can I make my essays stand out? What do colleges look for in my essays? #school #college #essay #writing

What should I put on my resume?
I want to start saving up for college, but I don't know what to put on my resume. I don't have work experience, haven't volunteered, and haven't been on any big projects. I have been in clubs and organizations, played instruments, and done other activities outside of school but none of them...