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Vanshika’s Avatar
Vanshika Jul 11 454 views

Admission Officers: Should I join my local Youth activities Council? Would that boost my overall college app, or should I save that time and spend it somewhere more useful?

While I do need to show some community service, I am interested in majoring in business and am wondering whether to spend that time working towards writing for financial literacy or join this Council where I don't know which mission it will most likely serve. I would like to hear the...

Vanshika’s Avatar
Vanshika Jul 11 407 views

What all major colleges have clubs that are open to high schoolers for chartering as well (might include a tie-up)?

I am mostly looking to start a business related club (anything related in the field is fine, i.e finance, economics, marketing, business, entrepreneurship). Most colleges have clubs that are specific to that college, I'm looking for clubs that can be brought to a high school. If possible, I...

jaylen’s Avatar
jaylen Jul 10 445 views

i am a 17 yr old student at job corp looking for a vendor to start my clothing brand and for anyone to invest into my company?

i am a 17 yr old student at job corp looking for a vendor to start my clothing brand and for anyone to invest into my company

jaylen’s Avatar
jaylen Jul 10 237 views

wat is the best auto mechanic school to go to?

wat is the best auto mechanic school to go to? im a student at job corp lookin for work or any way to work a part time job

jaylen’s Avatar
jaylen Jul 10 261 views

what is the highest paying minmum wage job in san jose?

what is the highest paying minmum wage job in san jose?

jaylen’s Avatar
jaylen Jul 10 115 views

wat type of jobs hire 17 nd up with no work experience?

wat type of jobs hire 17 nd up with no work experience?

Denise’s Avatar
Denise Jul 10 333 views

what is the workload like? what did you say during you interview with your current employer? Any regrets choosing this profession?

19 years old interested in the fields listed in the hashtags.

Chandini’s Avatar
Chandini Jul 09 742 views

How do I get more internships in business?

I like accounting and entrepreneurship, but as a student in community college, I'm not sure how to get these resources.

Vanshika’s Avatar
Vanshika Jul 09 292 views

What do the admissions officers like to see under extra curriculars if applying under a business major in college?

I will be applying under a business major.

Geovauni’s Avatar
Geovauni Jul 02 267 views

Would you recommend this profession to others?

Based on your experience and insights, would you recommend pursuing a career as a chef in the hospitality industry to others?

Geovauni’s Avatar
Geovauni Jul 02 359 views

What are the pros and cons of pursuing a career in the hospitality industry as a chef?

Considering factors such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, career growth opportunities, and the challenges of working in a high-pressure environment."

Geovauni’s Avatar
Geovauni Jul 02 243 views

What is it like working in the hospitality industry?

I'm 17 and I am planning on becoming a chef, so I was just wondering what it is like.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jul 02 272 views

How much do career coaches cost ?

We've noticed an increase in learner interest in coaches and as a response we will be posting questions that address that!

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jul 01 311 views

how can you be definite the major you chose is right for you personally as someone who is going to college this upcoming fall?

any advice at all?

Ivan’s Avatar
Ivan Jul 01 287 views

Why did you not become a professional Soccer player?

I played soccer up until mls next but i injured my ankle and that caused to stop playing

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