Career questions tagged arttherapy

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Niloofar343 views

How to navigate the unfamiliar and demanding nature of counseling school age children without falling apart?

Hi there, I am currently completing my second/last internship for my Master's in Mental Health Counseling and Art Therapy. My internship last year was with adults with acute and chronic mental illness. This year, I landed a last-minute placement with a nonprofit organization that places graduate Interns in schools. I am placed at an elementary school as a school counselor, however, I have never worked with school-age children in any capacity. I have a brief experience as a preschool assistant and have taken multiple developmental psych classes. The nature of the internship is going to be very hands-off (me doing everything from ground zero) from asking for consent forms to pulling students out of classrooms for a session which is putting me in a vulnerable place. I am not a very assertive individual. How to navigate the unfamiliar and demanding nature of this new experience without falling apart? P.S. I am expected to begin next week. Thank you!

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Arianna467 views

How do I reach my career goals?

I have more than one career goal. Some of my career goals are also combined, like music/art therapy. How do I choose which goal and how do I reach that goal?

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Destany1895 views

What is it like to be an art therapist

I am a senior in High School interested in art therapy and would like to dig deeper in this career. #art #artist #therapy #psychology #arttherapy #creativearttherapy

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Katelyn2671 views

If I want to have a career in art therapy should major in art or psychology?

I am an artist and want to a career in therapy. I am pretty excited to think that I could combine the two and be an art therapist. I don't know whether to major in art with a minor in psychology or major in psychology with a minor in art. #arttherapy #art #art-therapy #psychology #clinical-psychology #therapy #counseling #college #college-major

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Rianne2331 views

What type of jobs can a person who is majoring in Art Therapy in college?

I am in my junior year of high school and I want a realistic point of view of the types of jobs I can get after college and deciding if I should still major in Art Therapy? #psychology #art #therapy #arttherapy

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