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Urara’s Avatar
Urara May 23, 2018 691 views

How do you maintain your time when you are taking 19 credits and have leadership rolls in 3 different organizations?

#time-management I am taking class from 5 am-1pm straight and have another class from 6:30 pm next semester. Also I was elected to be a representative of my college in Student Government Association. Top of that, I have a leadership roll in my sorority and I am a treasurer in another...

danieh’s Avatar
danieh May 11, 2020 4741 views

Math is not one of my strongest strengths. Will I struggle in the area of economics because of this?

Hi, I'm a 16-year-old high school student determined to get an education in the areas of economics and business. I have many strengths but one of them does not include math. The Idea of this extremely bothers me because I feel as if I will struggle. Any advice? (thank you for all the...

Kat’s Avatar
Kat Jan 17, 2018 880 views

How do I manage my finances while in college?

I'm not sure how much of my income should go towards my student loans (which will be about 65,000 dollars) and how much should go towards personal use
#financial-planning #college #finance #money #money-management

Shelby’s Avatar
Shelby May 09, 2016 1362 views

What is the best undergraduate degree for someone seeking a career in law?

I wnat to be a lawyer and i am wondering what major i should get as my undergraduate bachelor degree that would best set me up for a law career #college #business #lawyer #business-administration #graduate #experience #college-student

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia May 12, 2020 2402 views

Should I work/intern during the school year in college or wait until summer?

#college #internship #work

pablo’s Avatar
pablo Jan 27, 2020 502 views

In the welding field where is the best employment opportunity?
