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Adam Heugh’s Avatar

Adam Heugh

Medical Bill Reciew
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Lansing, Michigan
24 Answers
30139 Reads
101 Karma

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Marquis’s Avatar
Marquis Nov 05, 2021 694 views

did your major have a big impact on career choice?

#college-major #career #career-choice #major #career-counseling

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Nov 10, 2021 565 views

How do ya'll deal with rude customers?

It happens a lot at work. #career

Anas’s Avatar
Anas Nov 17, 2021 2070 views

what is the most challenging thing about being a manager?


mecayla’s Avatar
mecayla Nov 23, 2021 595 views

how you like your job?

my name is mecayla im in job corps #career

Ramiro’s Avatar
Ramiro Nov 30, 2021 792 views

is it okay to join a college without declaring a major or is it better to choose one even though you are not 100% sure about it

#college-major #college #career #professor #major

Britteny’s Avatar
Britteny Dec 01, 2021 1426 views

How do you deal with customers when they are rude ?

#career #cashier #customerservice

Katrina’s Avatar
Katrina Nov 30, 2021 650 views

What is it like to dorm in college?

I'm going to college soon and I want to know how it's like to dorm with someone. #college

Garvin’s Avatar
Garvin Dec 10, 2021 766 views

What is a decent job? (for your first job)

im a senior at burton high school #job #first-job #job-search #college

Jayelyn’s Avatar
Jayelyn Nov 30, 2021 487 views

How do you know what best major suites you ?

#college-major #major #college

Joanne’s Avatar
Joanne Apr 14, 2021 525 views

Should you study what you enjoy or do what makes more money?

I'm always thinking about the future and I want to be financially stable but also work on what I enjoy doing. #salary

Kaitlin’s Avatar
Kaitlin Dec 09, 2021 694 views

How do I know what's right for me as a career?

I just don't know? #career-choice

Garvin’s Avatar
Garvin Dec 10, 2021 945 views

Should I go straight into college or take a GAP year? (or other options)

I'm currently a senior at Burton High School. #college #career #college-advice

Susanne’s Avatar
Susanne May 11, 2016 2441 views

How did you feel when you first left off for college?

I have never been away from home for very long. I am a home body. I am anxious, but I am also very nervous. I just wanted to know if that was normal and if you could share your own personal experiences. #college #human-resources #help #life-coach #advising

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Aug 29, 2018 1382 views

What is the best way to prepare for an interview

#interviewing-skills #interviews

Ariana’s Avatar
Ariana Apr 16, 2018 2666 views

Tips for candidates new to the interviewing process

What are some tips or pointers for people who are looking for their first jobs(s).
How do I stand out while having no experience or professional qualifications?
#interviews #interview #interviewing-skills #professionalism #new-hires #