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lily s’s Avatar

lily s

Management Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Houston, Texas
7 Answers
6758 Reads
51 Karma

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Lilah’s Avatar
Lilah Nov 05, 2020 734 views

I'm stuck between becoming an Author, Director or Actor

I'm a Junior in high school and right now I'm a bit stuck on which career I want to pursuit. I do love to write and come up with stories. Lately I've become more interested on how shows are made and what directors do to make a show happen. Then I'm interested in acting because I've been taking...

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Nov 09, 2020 676 views

I really have no clue what I should do for my career. Any suggestions?

I love to read and I love to write. I would love to be a writer but I think my best shot at getting close to that would to become an editor. I am a division 1 college gymnast and I want to try to become a stunt performer for film but these career choices are not very reliable at all....

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Nov 05, 2020 749 views

What majors are in art and business category? How do you work financial aid and applications?

I'm in the 11th grade figuring out which major in art I should take. Their a few schools I'm interested in but still figuring that out between five choices. Peers around me always said go for what you like to do and business for getting more opportunities in life. I know that art won't give...

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Nov 25, 2020 717 views

If you had six months of free time between college graduation and your first job, what would you do during it?

Right now I have the great opportunity of having the months between January and June completely free as I allocated this time to travel and explore between college graduation and my first job. However, travel is looking unlikely due to the pandemic. I'd like to try and find a few things to do...

Amigun’s Avatar
Amigun Nov 30, 2020 609 views

What are the best organizations to volunteer to that will help improve a career in international relations.

I am and Introvert, I read books alot.... #career #diplomacy

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Dec 01, 2020 1593 views

Any advice for someone who struggles intensely with motivation when it comes to schoolwork?

Asking on behalf of a friend who is experiencing mental health challenges <3

#motivation #mental-health #college #homework #schoolwork #student-life

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Dec 01, 2020 1960 views

What are some other career options for physics majors besides high school physics teacher?

I'm planning to take more lab courses involving optics, lasers, and coding simulations, but I learned that I definitely don't want to pursue a career in software. I love doing research and am applying to summer internships at national labs. Any other suggestions would be appreciated! #careers...