ahilandeswari’s Career Goals
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What’s the best way to go about resigning from my job?
for my life #doctor #engineer #teacher

What jobs have the most benefits?
More my job #teaching #human-resources

how to become a good doctor?
i like to be a doctor.... #doctor #commerce #3d-modeling

how to choose a good carrier?
i hav to choose a good carrier which will help me to move forward ....and to select a good collage ... #education #money #career-change #3d-modeling

What are some careers I could expect to get if I study biology?
I don't know much about my options in biology.. #biology #career #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #biologist #college-major #college-majors

I score high marks in all subjects .. but i need to improve my self confidence. What do you recommend?
I don't have a ton of self confidence so I'd love to hear how you achieved that.

How to became a Good Teacher?
I like to teach to kids very much ... i love to be always a good teacher #college #education #airline-industry #google