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Joseph Raczynski’s Avatar

Joseph Raczynski

Futurist & Technology Consultant
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Washington, Washington
6 Answers
4065 Reads
52 Karma



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DD’s Avatar
DD Sep 28, 2021 508 views

Blockchain with MBA

I am a Business student doing my Bachelor of Business Administration as of now and planning a career in the Banking industry . Pretty recently had I come across certain news about some softwares like BITCOIN , CRYPTOCURRENCY , BLOCKCHAIN and so to be replacing the Banking industry totally ,...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 20, 2018 1433 views

Will cryptocurrency become the main currency of the future?

I am beginning to invest into the stock market as an 18 year old. I am a beginner and would love some tips and tricks. Thanks!


Bryson’s Avatar
Bryson Oct 19, 2021 1274 views

What advice would you give to someone considering being a programer?

I am a sophomore in high school, who is taking college courses for programming right now from a local college. I have been interested in coding since 8th grade and now I feel like that is what my future will be. #college #college-major #tech #technology # #computer #computer #computer-science...

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Jul 28, 2021 492 views

What do I see myself doing in 5 years

My name is Taylor . I’m 15 years old . Later on in life I see myself being a lawyer . I chose this career when I was about 8 years old . I’ve always wanted to go to law school because I know I’d be good at it . I love arguing my point across & fighting for something I know is right . #lawyer...

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Oct 05, 2021 679 views

What should I study in college to get a career in computer science?

I plan to have a career related to computer science. I'm curious at what classes I would need to take in college to achieve my career goal. Is there other classes I need to take beside computer science classes in college?

#college #computer-programming

Iryanna’s Avatar
Iryanna Oct 19, 2021 614 views

For people working in Cyber Security, what made you decide to pursue this career field, and what made you stick with it?

#technology #career #computer #computer-science #programming