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Devin Rice’s Avatar

Devin Rice

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Saint Petersburg, Florida
5 Answers
3529 Reads
11 Karma

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miles’s Avatar
miles Jul 23, 2023 779 views

What's the hardest part about animating?

Curious about the hardest part of animating, or being an animator in general. Is it the longer hours? Deadlines?

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Jul 17, 2023 967 views

How did you get where you are now?

What were your first steps into working in film?

hannah’s Avatar
hannah Jul 10, 2023 1052 views

Hi!What would you suggest if you wanted to get started on a film career (whether that be on the screen or production team), as a teenager in high school? Thank you!?

I am also wondering which colleges would you recommend and what i should have on my resume to be considered. Also, how to immerse myself in film within my community.

Dorian’s Avatar
Dorian May 08, 2023 412 views

3D Animation is tough to get into, besides making my own on Source Film Maker and Blender, What would be a good program to learn?

I have been learning to animate in Source Film Maker and have done a little of Blender, the two best free programs I could get my hands on. I still want to learn more about programs that the bigger companies use such as Dreamworks, Disney, Microsoft, etc.

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie May 28, 2023 566 views

How do I pick what to do in college and with the rest of my life?

I am starting my senior year of high school in the fall and I've been thinking about what I want to do in the future. I really love film and I've been interested in becoming a director or cinematographer, however, I've been told that they aren't practical enough. The alternative is...