Alex Ward

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why is it so important?
Why is a career so important to so many people I understand it's so we can live but why do people care what we do?

How do i know that i had coder mind I don't know programming any field for me?
BSSE student

How do I find out if the cyber security sector of technology is the right choice for me.?
I've been studying codes for the past year now and I'm pretty sure that I would love to get a career in the cyber security sector but I am uncertain if that would be the correct choice in this age

What inspired you to get a job,Also what age were when you knew what you wanted to be?
In life, I was constantly wondering about what I wanted to be and ended up becoming a soccer referee temporarily, now I don't know where to go from there

How do I start my Artificial Intelligence journey from scratch ?
Give me the complete road map for it

When you were in college and felt overwhelmed with classwork and life in general, how did you keep pushing on??
I am currently in my first year majoring in computer science. I need to make sure that I balance attention to my schoolwork and family obligations as well as having some fun. I do not want to fall behind and sometimes the stress of whats to come is overwhelming.

How can I get a job in Computer Science that pays me a lot?
I am a junior at high school and within the next 10 years I want to see myself like that.

How do you get into the field of computer science and is it worth it ?
I’m a senior in high-school and I though of persuading a career in computer science, but my problem is; will it be difficult for me to get a job afterwards and will it be worth it?