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Nick Ellert’s Avatar

Nick Ellert

Supervisor of Employee Engagement
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
25 Answers
24715 Reads
36 Karma


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Claudia’s Avatar
Claudia Mar 21, 2018 729 views

How can I prepare for living at home during college rather than on campus?

I have heard, from many different students, that college requires a lot of study time. I am worried that having my family around may cause distractions for me when it's time to concentrate. My parents are helpful when it comes to my study time but my smaller siblings can be noisy and...

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Apr 16, 2018 1093 views

can the outside activities in my personal life effect my job.

writing a paper on successful employees. #construction #jobs #personal-life #leisure #stress

Valeria’s Avatar
Valeria Apr 19, 2018 1195 views

Is college really necessary to succeed in life?

We are always told since we are kids to go to school, go to college, get a great job that will help us live a better life but we are basically going to work so many years to pay our student debt not to mention that we aren’t guaranteed to find a job with our degree #collegedebt

Xin Anthony’s Avatar
Xin Anthony Apr 27, 2018 909 views

What are some of the pros and cons of joining the fraternity? Can I quit if I don't like it?

I will be a college freshman in the fall of 2018 and I think fraternity looks like a great way to broaden my social circle, but not sure if it is for me. #collegelife

Jakayla’s Avatar
Jakayla Aug 09, 2018 789 views

How would you describe your life after you graduated from college?

#collegegraduate #worklife

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Aug 07, 2018 719 views

How do I deal with homesickness?

I'm going to start college in the fall and it's four hours from home. I don't have a car so it will be hard to get home often. How do I deal with homesickness? #homesickness #collegefreshman #freshmanblues

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Aug 28, 2018 775 views

What can you do if you have a hard time making friends?

I was diagnosed with Pervasive Development Disorder when I was four years old. This is categorized under the Autism spectrum. It makes socializing very difficult. #friends #socializing

Bibi’s Avatar
Bibi May 18, 2018 1203 views

How to deal with a rude roommate?

I'll be dorming during college and I am concerned about what I should do if my roommate is rude or doesn't respect my boundaries. #Collegelife

Ty’s Avatar
Ty Jan 17, 2018 998 views

What is the the most important thing when adjusting to college life?

What should I do or remember? #collegelife

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Oct 12, 2018 1067 views

My family & friends

I will be a undergraduate next fall. I am hoping to attend one of the best schools that I personally believe has a great Nursing program for me. However, it is no where near home. I have always dreamed of a movie like college experience. I want to become much more independent and all, but My...

Brian’s Avatar
Brian Apr 24, 2018 921 views

Does anyone else find the transition from college undergraduate to real Adulthood hard?

I've been having a really tough time trying to get into the swing of being an adult.
#Imissbeingakid #Iwanttogoback #whyamIalwaysbroke #collegewasntthatgreatbut

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Mar 12, 2018 833 views

What is harder in the college transition: trying to make friends or trying to adjust to being on your own?

Just to try to garner a little more understanding about what might cause me more of a struggle when I go off to college and what to prepare myself for #goingtocollegenextyear #goingtocollege #newplace #college #college-advice

jose’s Avatar
jose May 15, 2018 850 views

Can my state (Georgia) academic scholarship be used for other colleges out of georgia?

Many have told me that scholarships given by the state can only be used in colleges in the state. I had questions if this was true because some colleges near georgia might be able to take my scholarship. #collegebound #scholarships

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 31, 2018 686 views

What type of relationships should I create in college?

What relationships should we focus on the most, should we focus on prioritizing relationships with our friends or should we focus on maintaining a strong relationship with our proffesor. #relationships #college

Ayanna’s Avatar
Ayanna Mar 08, 2018 753 views

What should I take to college?

I have an addiction to fashion--any new shoes, clothes, accessories, everything! I know I can't bring everything to college, so what are some basic essentials to bring? Maybe an extension cord; of course a mini fridge--what else?

#collegefreshman #newbie #collegeessentials