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Peter McCaffrey’s Avatar

Peter McCaffrey

Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Napa, California
15 Answers
15491 Reads
31 Karma



Active Locations

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jan 23, 2024 3846 views

Am I too old to become a great chef?

I graduated from United Electronics Inst. in 1973 and have spent years working in various trades-related jobs. I want to be the best cook in the world, like another Ramsey but nicer. Can you help lead me?????

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a learner

Jana’s Avatar
Jana Feb 08, 2024 1545 views

Will my hours be flexible if I work in culinary ?

I would like to know more about the hours and flexibility.

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Sep 17, 2023 881 views

How to get into entry level prep cooking from former fast food restaurant service?

I have previous years of mainstream fast food cooking and independent backline skills, I’d like to get more in depth on culinary knife skills, food preparation, storage and over all cooking.

Tvisha’s Avatar
Tvisha Mar 06, 2023 491 views

Diadvantages of working in food industry?

I personally do not know a lot of peole in this industry and would really like to know from some experienced people that what are the challenges that they face, because every job has it's own pros and cons and i would like to know more about the disadvantages

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Jan 10, 2023 937 views

What does a typical day look like working in a kitchen?

how long does it take to prep everything in a kitchen? what are some dishes that you make? do you get normal breaks?

Fredrick’s Avatar
Fredrick Sep 09, 2022 1158 views

Like most/least about this career?

What do you like most/least about this career

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Jun 13, 2022 638 views

How much time did it take to get where you wanted to be?

I'm asking this question about culinary arts because I want to know if it's worth it.

amir’s Avatar
amir May 23, 2022 1294 views

can you make a career in the culinary world without going to a culinary school ?

can you make a career in the culinary world without going to a culinary school ?

Gina’s Avatar
Gina Mar 08, 2022 678 views

Name three kitchen utensils that a chef could not do without


dayif’s Avatar
dayif Nov 21, 2021 516 views

which subject should i take after 10 to be a chef

which subject should i take after 10 to be a #chef in UK

Adam’s Avatar
Adam Nov 08, 2021 557 views

What do I have to do to become a chef?

What schools do I have to attend? How long? #culinary #cooking

Asiah’s Avatar
Asiah Jul 31, 2021 494 views

What is the college process?

I would like to be a chef but I want to know what the college process is like and is it a great enough experience. #chef #culinary-arts

Xavier’s Avatar
Xavier Sep 01, 2020 828 views

What steps should I take to become a Head Chef?

I am a student in a culinary arts program at Job Corps. #job-market #high-school-jobs #culinary/hospitality

jerry’s Avatar
jerry Mar 02, 2020 794 views

how long does it take to be a food service manager

#culinary #chef

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Feb 07, 2020 1058 views

Where is the best place to make money as a Sou Chef?

#culinary #cooking #culinary-arts #chef