Career questions tagged cook

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Carolyn1106 views

What are some affordable culinary schools?

I love to cook and am quite good if I do say so myself. Though being a chef is not my first choice as a career it’s one of my favorites as I love to cook. I’m a junior in high school and feel it’s time to jump on the bandwagon for finding a school. What are affordable but quality culinary schools?

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Zhang327 views

Being a Chef in the Bay Area?

I am planning to be a chef in the Bay Area. I am trying to do a diploma. Does anyone have any suggestions for any certifications that could help me? What is a specialization that I could do? Are there any particular tools that would help me in excelling my career?

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DJ448 views

what is it like to be a chef an own a restaurant

Hi, my name is DJ I want to be a celebrity chef who gets paid 50,000 100,000 a year and own my own restaurant.

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DJ560 views

What does a typical day look like for an chef ?

hi my name is DJ i will like to be and chef i want to get payed 50,000 and year. i want to work as an private house hold

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Isaiah506 views

What does a typical day look like working in a kitchen?

how long does it take to prep everything in a kitchen? what are some dishes that you make? do you get normal breaks?

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Gracie761 views

What are some important things i should know about being a chef?

essential tools of the trade? advice for how to handle the job? anything important to keep in mind

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Gracie487 views

how difficult would you say it is for recent graduates to obtain a job as a chef?

how difficult would you say it is for recent graduates to obtain a job as a chef?

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Ryan332 views

What is a day in the life of a private household cook like?

Say i wanted to be a Cook for a private household, what would that day consist of? Would it be busy or a slow day. Who would i be cooking for and how long would i be working there during the day

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Saliah400 views

What helped you make your decision to become a personal chef instead of working in a restaurant?

What helped you make your decision to become a personal chef instead of working in a restaurant?

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Jahlil797 views

What are the best and worst parts of being a chef?

I want to see the answers to this to see if this is truly 100% worth it for me #chef #cook #cooking #baker #baking #culinary-arts #culinary #hospitality

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Jahlil703 views

What are some important things to know about being a chef?

I'm not extremely well versed in the subject yet and I'm wondering if there's any info I absolutely need to be aware of #chef #cook #cooking #baker #baking #culinary-arts #culinary #hospitality

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Jahlil626 views

What is an average day in the life of a chef look like?

I want to know how what an average schedule for this profession would be. #chef #cook #cooking #baker #baking #culinary-arts #culinary #hospitality

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Hope351 views

how do you make food taste good?

i have autism im 15 years old #cook

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Zion491 views

When do you think COVID will be over with?

#Dance #Cook #I like to help people #babies

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Keaton553 views

Did you have an internship?

#Culinary-arts #internship #cook #chef

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Anastasia678 views

What was the hardest thing for you to overcome as a cook/chef?

#cook #chef # #culinary #culinary-arts

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Fernanda638 views

whats is a typical day like in your job?

#job #cook #CulinaryArts

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antoine706 views

what is the average day like

#cook #chef

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Jessica1681 views

How can I become a chef when I'm a vegan?

I've found that almost all culinary schools use meat and dairy products when teaching their students how to cook. Which school can I go to for my lifestyle? #chef #cooking #culinary #culinary-arts #cook #veganism

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Nicholas1143 views

When being a chef, what are the most hardest things you encounter everyday?

I'm interested in being a chef for my career, it's a passion that I've had for a long time. #chef #busines #cook

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Archie2638 views

In cooking can you focus on one certain type of food?

hi I'm in the 6th grade and like to cook and I would like to know if you can focus on one traditional foods because I know more about one food then others #chef #experts #restaurant #cook

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Archie1226 views

are there any culinary schools

hi I'm in the 6th grade and I would like to know if there are any colleges that have culinary cooking I really like to cook and would like to do it for college #restaurant #cook

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Sidney1404 views

What is the Average Salary for a Sous-chef in the United States?

I will be majoring in Culinary arts #cooking #culinary-arts #food #culinary-skills #cook

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