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Brittany Farnham’s Avatar

Brittany Farnham

Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Broomfield, Colorado
7 Answers
5301 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Jun 27, 2023 763 views

What are some ways I could have a free ride to college?

Im interested in a trending a college far from home. My family does not have the funds.

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Apr 15, 2014 1478 views

What is the differences between Entrepreneurship and Business?

Honestly, I'm a bit confused about some majors that are almost same one another. I'm still searching for the major I wanna take in college, so I wanna make sure that the major I'll choose is the proper one for me. Please share some knowledge you all know to me. Thank you very much :) #business...

Dandy’s Avatar
Dandy Mar 02, 2020 937 views

want to move and stay to new country

I will marry and plan to move abroad. Because we love to adventure, we want to get new experiences and new challenges and new environments. I am just a high school graduate but I hope to get a job so that I can also help to volunteer. Any suggestions? #international #volunteer #work

Bekka’s Avatar
Bekka Jun 25, 2023 855 views

What should I do after I’m done with high school ?

I’m interested in learning about the medical field or welding.

Elsa’s Avatar
Elsa Jun 18, 2023 729 views

Hello. I wanted to ask what is the best way to overcome stress?

I wanted to ask what is the best way to overcome stress?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 27, 2023 402 views

I want to go into a trade instead of college; what might you recommend for following that path?

Note: this is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 26, 2023 1303 views

How do I become more comfortable with making mistakes or even failing? ?

Note: this is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform!