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Stephen Griffin’s Avatar

Stephen Griffin

New Product Introduction Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Raleigh, North Carolina
10 Answers
14216 Reads
10 Karma



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Johan’s Avatar
Johan Jan 22 971 views

Mechanical Engineers!

Hi, please share any experiences about being one in the field for future M.E?
It would be greatly appreciated.

Dawson’s Avatar
Dawson Aug 23, 2023 5420 views

What should I do if I want to be a mechanical engineer but struggle in math??

What would you recommend doing if I wanted to go down the career path of a mechanical engineer but am not very good at Algebra or Geometry? I have been told those are needed to become a mechanical engineer.

Kailyn’s Avatar
Kailyn Jun 26, 2023 2051 views

What do you like/dislike about being a Mechanical Engineer?

What projects have you done? is your team supportive and has good leadership?

kimberly’s Avatar
kimberly Oct 19, 2016 1126 views

Why is it that only a small amount of colleges have a material science major?

I live in southern California and noticed that only a small amount of colleges offer material science as a major. This confuses me not only because that's what i want to major in, but also the fact that this career can solve many environmental problems. #science #environment #materials-science...

Landon’s Avatar
Landon Sep 14, 2022 855 views

What field is the most important to study if I want to become an Aerospace Engineer ?

I want to see if i want to do this as a job so i want to know what i need to study to do so.

Freddie’s Avatar
Freddie May 27, 2022 874 views

Is it better to do your undergrad in mechanical engineering and for grad school, focus on the actual career?

Hello, I am currently a junior and I am preparing for my major and the college that I want to be enrolled in. I am interested in being a part of STEM however I am not sure what I want to do exactly. Some of my career interests include aerospace, biotech, biomedical, nuclear engineer,...

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Apr 05, 2022 500 views

Events for mechanical engineering?

Are there any big events having to do with mechanical engineering that I could possibly look into, I would prefer something more hands-on?

Aurek’s Avatar
Aurek Feb 08, 2022 1164 views

What is the most useful skill a mechanical engineer should have?

#mechanical-engineer #engineer #mechanical-engineering

Wesley’s Avatar
Wesley Feb 02, 2022 1568 views

What's companies or organizations hire aerospace engineers?

I don't know any other besides Boeing, Lockheed, and Northrop. #aerospace-engineering

Aysha’s Avatar
Aysha Jul 21, 2015 1234 views

For a mechanical engineering student how does take a minor in aerospace helps ?

The university I study in offers a minor in aerospace if ur studying ME, and i wanted to know if it would help my career if i took it , or I'm better off taking 3 other ME electives in different areas since that's what they offer. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #aerospace