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Riya Mehta’s Avatar

Riya Mehta

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Jersey City, New Jersey
8 Answers
9521 Reads
1 Karma

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Julio’s Avatar
Julio May 20, 2023 732 views

What are some important things to know when I start attending my classes?

I just want to hear any tips for me to have a good start on my very first day of college :)

Georgy’s Avatar
Georgy May 27, 2023 1493 views

How do I pick a college?

How do I choose a college? There are many to choose from, and all say they are the best. Plus, I have to worry about tuition.

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jun 08, 2023 640 views

How do I become my dream career?

I am trying to figure out how to become my dream career, but not quite sure how to get there. Any advice?

Keva’s Avatar
Keva Jun 09, 2023 1254 views

How do i get a secondary education without going into debt? #spring23

I want to become a doctor and go through medschool. Is there anything i can do in hoghschool/best ways to get scholarships so that i can minimize any future debt?

Anya’s Avatar
Anya Jun 02, 2023 985 views

What are the benefits of taking a gap year instead of going straight to college?

Because taking a gap year is one of the options for when after students graduate high school, I want to know the benefits of taking one.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 07, 2023 1362 views

Am I able to play volleyball whilst studying for a degree in computer science Do universities allow that? Because I have an interest in both of them and I don't want to give up one of them anytime soon. ?

I'm in grade 10, and I'm only just figuring out what courses I would want to take. However, I play volleyball too

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Jun 08, 2023 1569 views

College Tips?

What are some tips to get through my first years of college and maintaining good grades while managing stress? What are some studying tips to make sure I don't fail?

’s Avatar
Jun 08, 2023 1818 views

how important is a top uni?

as a current junior