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Kansas City, Missouri
11 Questions
2168 Karma

Iqra’s Career Goals

I aspire to become a doctor.


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Iqra Jul 17, 2020 874 views

Are you satisfied with your job? Is there anything you would change about it?

I'm just curious to see if the hours/pay/lifestyle is what you anticipated and whether or not you like it.

#jobs #agriculture #doctor #orthodontics #general #career #business #dentist # #surgeon #teacher #engineer #lawyer #politician #JULY20

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Iqra Jul 17, 2020 1832 views

What's something you recommend students should do BEFORE starting college?

A general answer or a more personal one will suffice!

#general #college #knowledge #general #advice #life # #career #JULY20

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Iqra Jul 17, 2020 858 views

In light of COVID-19, what are some changes you would like to see in the healthcare field?

#healthcare #doctor #medicine #technology #dentist #physical-therapy #physician #COVID-19 #JULY20

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Iqra Apr 21, 2020 713 views

How should I get in contact with doctors to shadow them?

A lot of the places near where I live do not allow high school students to shadow doctors. Multiple places require you to know which doctor you want to shadow, which is a problem since I don't know any. Any tips? #medicine #medical #doctor #healthcare #advice

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Iqra Apr 18, 2020 5703 views

Is there anything you regret not doing in high school/college?

Why didn't you do it and is it something you would recommend others do? #college-advice #college #highschool #highschool-advice #JULY20

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Iqra Apr 17, 2020 666 views

What are some challenges one should anticipate in the medical field?

Challenges in school, residency, or your job are fine. #medicine #doctor #medical #healthcare #medical-school #health

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Iqra Apr 17, 2020 889 views

What jobs in the medical field involve working with the elderly?

I'm not entirely sure if a "geriatric" is a doctor type but it sounds interesting. #doctor #medicine #medical #healthcare

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Iqra Apr 17, 2020 1578 views

What exactly does the path to becoming a doctor look like?

So I know that this answer will vary depending upon the type of doctor you decide to be, but a general answer will suffice. Is it just get you B.S/B.A, go to medical school, residency, and then a job? #medicine #doctor #medical #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #doctor

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Iqra Apr 17, 2020 13305 views

What would you say the most difficult part of your job is?

Everything has pros and cons, what are the cons of your job?
#career #job #healthcare #medicine #employment #police #tech

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Iqra Apr 15, 2020 1033 views

What are the pros and cons of a 6 year medical program?

I'm looking for a firsthand perspective from someone who was in one of these programs. I graduate in two years and was wondering if I should apply to a 6-year med program. #healthcare #medical #medicine #premed #college #major #doctor #medical-school

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Iqra Apr 15, 2020 1185 views

How did you know that you wanted to be a doctor? After becoming a doctor, did you still feel passionate about your job choice?

Hi! I'm interested in possibly pursuing a career in medicine. I know that I want to have a job where I can help other people: I'm thinking about doing that by becoming a doctor. # #doctor #career #medical #medicine #hospital-and-health-care