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eden8 views

which is the best fashion design?

design fashion tips

undefined's avatar
Md7 views

what's the meaning of this?

alskfj dkfjsaf sakldf asfkas as dfkasf asd asd fiasdf8aytjsdfnf

undefined's avatar
Md19 views

what's the requirement?

SDsd sdfsdf dfgd dfx

undefined's avatar
Karl51 views

Medicine ?

What does it entail in the field of medicine

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Simran104 views

Are there any major and/or minor for Environmental Law?

I'm currently in high school and I am interested in Environmental Science and Law.

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Kamden138 views

When I graduate, I plan on going into sports medicine, how do I ensure that I get the best education. I want the best possible education on sports medicine so that the people I care for get the best care possible

I want to go to the University of Southern Mississippi, since it’s close to home and I want to help the people in my area.

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Amparo126 views

What Are The Requirements To Become A SLP?

The reason I’m wondering this is because I wanted to become a Speech Language Pathologist and I wanted to know what it takes in order to become one. I want to know what types of schools and Subjects I need to do in order to become one?

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Florence151 views

Hello, I want to get my Masters, but I don't want to take out a lot of loans. I have a BA in Liberal studies- Integrated concentration. What scholarships are available ?

I am a African American woman and a first generation college student. I currently live in a title 1 school district and hope to get a teaching job at one of the schools.

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beth688 views

What's the pros and cons about being a CNA?

I'm interested in becoming a CNA, and then an LPN, I have desire to help people, emotionally and physically, and I think nursing is the way to go for that.

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CareerVillage Office Hours134 views

How to become a Life Insurance Agent?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Life Insurance Agents on their path! Note: Given the growing interest in the insurance field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Scarlett204 views

What challenges have you face as a part of your job. Whether it be discrimination or just challenges of the job. ?

As an engineer

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Santonio172 views

How can I become a funnier Police Officer on the job when I pull over a citizen for running a red light?

I am in the 8th Grade trying to bring positivity when I pull someone over for running a red light.

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Joanne161 views

What are some potential career path in the field of environmental science, and how can I prepare for them?

Hi, I'm Joanne, a 16-year-old with a passion for the environment. Recently, I've been considering my career options and how I can contribute positively to the world around me. Environmental science has always intrigued me because it offers opportunities to study and protect the natural world while addressing critical issues like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. However, I'm not sure what specific career paths are available within this field or how to best prepare for them. That's why I'm seeking guidance on potential career options and what steps I can take now to pursue them effectively. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!

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CareerVillage Office Hours132 views

How to become a Coroner?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Coroner? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Grace87 views

What is the relevance of ecology in biology ?

What is the relevance of ecology in biology

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