Ed Magnin

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How to get into C++?
How should I get started in game design with C++? This is because I've attempted to learn the coding language for Unity game development to no avail. I am genuinely curious about what I can do to truly get into the sphere of 2D game development.

what steps I would need to take to become a game developer ,game designer or a game making
Hello,I was wondering what steps I would need to take to become a game developer ,game designer or a game making.I’ve always loved games and coding and would really love too be put in a situation we’re I could develop my own game for people like me too play.

Is a career in Video Game Design viable for living?
If I pursue a career in game design, will it help pay for bills and the like or should it just stay a hobby?
#video-game-design #games #design #game-design

what is it like to be a video game designer?
i want to become one #video-games #game-design #video-game-design

Do I have to learn code to become a "Game Designer/ Animator"?
#animation #game-design #video-games #computer-games #design

What are the requirements to become a Game Designer?
I am very into drawing and designing things for the school and for people that enjoy my skills of art. I just want to know what can I do to get my art into the gaming industries. #art #artist #video-game-design #game-design #video-games

How to get a good Starting point in the field of Game Design
So i'm looking to peruse a career in Video game design and currently gonna be a senior in high school and want to know a good starting point for getting into it before going off to college.
#gamedesign #games #computer-science #computer-graphics #programming #game-design #design

What degree is best for working as a game programmer?
I am currently studying to get a degree in Interactive Media and Game Design, but would it arguably be better just to get a degree in computer science?
#game-programming #game-development

What is one of the hardest aspects of being a game programmer?
I'm currently studying at WPI in order to go on to become a game programmer. What is one of the hardest things about that job, whether it be a part of the job or part of actually landing it?
#game-programming #game-design

A few questions for a videogame programmer...
What is your current profession? What did you want to be when you were in high school? What kind of student were you? What tips would you give to a high school student hoping to go into game programming? What did you major in, and at what college? What is something unexpected that you found out...

If I want to be a game designer what skills do I need?
i am asking this question because i am interested in this job #to #game #video-games #game-development #game-design #video-game-design

What colleges and programs can support me in being a game designer?
I don't know what things I can do to be a game designer and what programs will be effective towards me to get help to learn from it.
#college #game-design #prep-programs

what kind of scholarships are out there for a game design
I want to know what kind of scholarships are out there that can help me achieve my dream as a game design
#scholarships #game-design

what college classes should I take for game design?
I am asking this question because I want to be a video game designer #design #video-games