Robert Fiorella

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How do I become a pediatrician ?
I am really good with kids and I know somewhat about the body and maybe some of their conditions are like how I have, I might be able to understand other kids and their condition.

How can an MBBS graduate become a licensed therapist without pursuing a full psychology degree like a Bachelor’s or Master’s?
I’m currently in medical school and passionate about becoming a therapist, not a psychiatrist. I’ve learned that an MPhil in Clinical Psychology is a direct path, but I’m worried I may not meet the eligibility requirements, as most programs require a strong foundation in psychology. Are there...

Clinical Psychologist or psychiatrist Which one is better as a career?
After graduating high school, I've been struggling for 6 years working different jobs. But now I want to do something real in life.

How would your mental stability be while working as a veterinarian?
I am going to school to work in the medical field but have switched to work as a vet tech how would the work affect my mental stability?

What does the work environment look like when working as a social worker in a hospital or school.?
I want to work with children so I am deciding if I want to be a social worker for a hospital or school. But I also wonder how a day to day would look like. I have talked with the few social workers I know but most of them work for the state rather then the field I want to go to though it might...

what does the work environment looks like when your working in a child care or in general with little kids?
I want to work as a preschool teacher or in a daycare and i am wondering how the environment would be and how a regular day would like if i were to work as one.

How to become a babysitter?
Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a babysitter?
Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

What made you want to be a part of the medical community??
What sparked your interest in your specific field?

Why is it worth it to become a writer?
Hi, I’m Annika, I’m from Arizona, I am in middle school, and trying to figure out more details about being a writer.
Why is it worth it to become a writer?
How many hours do writers usually spend writing a week?

What is the most difficult skill of being a therapist?
Hi i'm a freshman and I am interested in becoming a therapist.

What is the hardest part about being a mental health therapist ?
hi, i am a jr high student from crane middle school and i have some questions for a therapist. what is the hardest part about being a mental health therapist? i also would like to know if i would choose my clients or would they give them to me.

I have a few mental illnesses can I be a psychiatrist or psychologist?
I have a few mental illnesses and there's more I'm not diagnosed with. Can I become a psychiatrist or a psychologist, it's something I'm really interested in.

Have you ever regretted becoming an author?
I have always wanted to be an author, but I am aware of how many writers give their all into their book and for whatever reason, are unable to get a publishing company to pick it up. Or else it flopped in sales and ended up not making enough money to make it worth printing, much less living...

how do i stay calm when the kids in my classroom aren't listening and are going crazy?
i'm not sure how to not lose patience if my classroom starts to get crazy