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Aaron Chun’s Avatar

Aaron Chun

Honolulu, Hawaii
42 Answers
29958 Reads
48 Karma

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kathryn’s Avatar
kathryn Oct 27, 2020 429 views

What college degrees do I need to become a nurse?

I want to know what college degrees I need to become a nurse. #nurse #college #degrees

grace’s Avatar
grace Oct 30, 2020 555 views

what are the pros and con on becoming a nurse

im a juinor in high school and i still am not to sure on what i want to go to college for but i do know i want to do something in the medical field #high-school #technology

savannah’s Avatar
savannah Oct 30, 2020 716 views

What classes do I need to take to become a Registered Nurse?

#expert #nursing #classes #school

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Aug 31, 2020 1437 views

Can someone recommend me a major to consider?

Hi everyone i'm applying to colleges right now am i'm having a hard time choosing a major. I like math and science but my natural strengths are in writing and public speaking. I would like to go to grad school after college but I also want a major that offers good career options right out of...

abigale’s Avatar
abigale Oct 19, 2020 498 views

how do you find is the hardest part of being a nurse?


abigale’s Avatar
abigale Oct 19, 2020 504 views

what is the biggest challenge in being a nurse?


Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Oct 23, 2020 506 views

What are some of the pros and cons of becoming a registered nurse?

I am a sophomore in high school and looking to work in the medical field. I have recently been interested in becoming a registered nurse after college, but I do not know a lot about the job. What are some of the pros and cons of the job and/or working in the medical field? #nursing #medicine...

Hanna’s Avatar
Hanna Oct 19, 2020 450 views

What happens when a patient passes away?

#lostofpatient #sad

Jazmine’s Avatar
Jazmine Oct 19, 2020 566 views

How long do u go to college for a rn

I like helping people and doing stuff to help someone but I don’t wanna deal with bones but I wanna help them do there blood and Ivs and all of that #rn

Esme’s Avatar
Esme Oct 19, 2020 392 views

What characteristics do you need in order to become a nurse?

I like to make people safe and comfortable. #nurse

Esme’s Avatar
Esme Oct 19, 2020 457 views

What degrees would I need in order to become a nurse?

I like to make people feel safe and comfortable. #nurse

Allison’s Avatar
Allison Oct 27, 2016 1496 views

What kind of schooling is required to be a registered nurse?

this is another career i am thinking about pursuing. #anyone #registered-nurses #nursing #hospital-and-health-care #college-advice

Carlee’s Avatar
Carlee Oct 19, 2020 352 views

How many years of school does it require?


Hanna’s Avatar
Hanna Oct 19, 2020 328 views

How much school is required to be a registered nurse?


Itzel’s Avatar
Itzel Aug 31, 2020 1437 views

I'm in a Community College but I dont know what I want to major in.

I would like to travel around the world and explore new places, earn money and be able to help others. I'm not sure what I want to major in and its stressing me out. I'm also afraid to choose the wrong career. How can I know exactly what I want? And what classes should I take if I'm undecided?...