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Sammy Davenport’s Avatar

Sammy Davenport

Producer/worship leader
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Grapevine, Texas
9 Answers
15458 Reads
31 Karma

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Ursula’s Avatar
Ursula Apr 14, 2017 1711 views

Is it okay to listen to music while studying?

I always listen to music or put the tv as background noise while I'm studying and I feel like it helps me concentrate (when I feel like it's bothering me or I get to a harder topic I turn it off), but every time my sister comes to my room and sees me doing this she always gives me a lecture...

Maxene’s Avatar
Maxene Oct 21, 2016 1436 views

Which major would be more beneficial: Biomedical Engineering or Music Technology?

I love the STEM field and music, but I'm having a hard time choosing which major would be more beneficial in the long run. As well, after graduating from college, I would like to go into a career that I would enjoy, and not just do for the money. #science #college-major #technology #music...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 02, 2016 1793 views

How do you train to become a professional pianist, like the kind that play at weddings?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. It's always been my mother's dream for me to be the one playing Canon in D during a wedding. It made me wonder what the process is to becoming a wedding musician. Do you need to have any kind of certificate or...

Breiyah’s Avatar
Breiyah May 07, 2016 1093 views

What would be a good alternative job to have that is in my career field which is singing while trying to get my music career to begin?

When I officially become an adult and get to doing thing on my own I would like to have a job that can help me in the career I want to go in the future but also sustain me financially for things I need to take care of now. #finance #music #singing

Corban’s Avatar
Corban May 27, 2016 3149 views

Is it possible to have major in Music and still be accepted into Medical? If so, would it be possible to double major and pass the MCAT?

I love playing my clarinet in Band; however, Band takes up much of my time after school and on the weekends. I fear that in college and universities, band will take up even more of my time. I want to be a doctor, but I don't know if i could still major in music while doing so. #doctor #medicine...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 21, 2016 1117 views

What one essential skill do you feel every music supervisor should have?

I am an aspiring music supervisor and, because the field is so unique, education options to prepare me are limited. I have taken a film music class but I would like to hear from experts what they really look for in these individuals and what might help me stand apart from others in my field....

Dakota’s Avatar
Dakota May 20, 2016 1953 views

Where do composers find their inspiration?

Sometimes when I'm writing, I hit a wall and can't get inspired. Do you have any tips to find a creative spark? #music #music-performance #composition #music-composition

Zakeya’s Avatar
Zakeya May 19, 2016 1734 views

What do I need to do to become a successful musician?

I like playing my saxophone and would like to be a famous musician one day. But the problem is I don't know what to do or where to start to become a successful musician. I'm also looking for ways to better myself in my playing skills, mostly vibrato. This will help me a lot. #music #musician...

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte May 18, 2016 1402 views

When playing in an orchestra at a high level of experience, say The Juilliard School sort of experience, are there times where the players would need to memorize songs/ play without a conductor?

I am going to try to get into The Juilliard school and if I do happen to get in, I am wondering what I might expect at that level of playing. Not just from that school but also from other orchestras that play at that level. #music #orchestral-music