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Austin, Texas
18 Questions
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Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin May 02, 2016 1115 views

Is it easier to find a job if you have more education?

Is getting a college education worth it? #college #career #education

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Caitlin May 02, 2016 1615 views

What made you decide on your job?

I want to know why professional people chose the jobs that they have? Money? Happiness? #college #jobs #careers #college-jobs

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Caitlin May 02, 2016 4827 views

Do you have to make good grades to get a good job?

I sometimes make bad grades but still have high goals. #career #school #job #grades

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Caitlin May 02, 2016 1115 views

How can you find a job that you really like that pays a lot?

How can you make a lot of money doing what you love? #career #jobs #careers #happiness

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 1310 views

What should you do to prepare for college?

I'm in middle school but what can I do now to prepare? #college #school

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 2591 views

Why should I study marketing?

I don't understand what that word means. I want to do fashion and my teacher told me about marketing.

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 1918 views

What colleges have good programs for fashion and makeup?

These are my interests and I want a long lasting career #college #fashion #fashion-design #makeup #merchandising

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 1209 views

How can I get a career in fashion merchandising?

I want to work in fashion and I want a stable career. What should I do and what subjects do I need to study #marketing #fashion #fashion-design #merchandising

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 1316 views

How can I prepare myself for a career in the fashion industry?

What else should I study? Should I be an expert in business? #business #marketing #fashion #fashion-design #merchandising

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 14452 views

What should you study if you're a girl and want to work in tech?

Is it harder for girls to work in technology than boys? #technology #tech #women-in-tech

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 3306 views

What should you major in college if you want to be a make up artist?

I want to be a make up artist and want to go to college. #science #chemistry #makeup #chemicals

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 2441 views

How can you combine science and makeup as a career?

I want to do science and make up but I don't know how they work together? #science #makeup #beauty #beauty-industry

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 1303 views

Can you make a career out of texting?

I want to text forever #science #technology #computers #texting

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 1514 views

How do engineers come up with their designs?

I want to know what the creative process is like #engineering #engineer #design

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Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 1176 views

What should someone who wants to be a clothing designer major in in college?

I want to be a clothing designer #college #fashion #major