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Jeremy Jessup’s Avatar

Jeremy Jessup

Service Metrics & Reporting Analyst at Dell
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Nashville, Tennessee
11 Answers
16943 Reads
91 Karma


Civic Duty

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Eric’s Avatar
Eric Jan 27, 2017 1448 views

Should I list work experience from before college that doesn't apply to my chosen career field when applying for my first job in my chosen field?

I have years of experience in assorted fields before I went to college. I am graduating soon, and want to get a job in programming. I have no technology field experience outside of coursework. Should I list my other experience on my resume, or just start fresh with college? #programming...

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Jun 29, 2016 2605 views

Are technical certificates worth pursuing?

I am a college student studying information technology, and I am wondering whether it would be to my advantage to pursue technical certificates in conjunction to my degree. Does having certificates such as A+ and Security+ give a leg up to those pursuing a career in the information technology...

elvia’s Avatar
elvia May 26, 2016 795 views

If you simply aim for a doctorates, with a major in biology how much is tuition?

I'm a high school student who is soon to graduate and interested in getting involved with the medical field, but college tuition is a huge problem. I am looking for options that will allow me to continue onto the path I want to follow without leaving me with such a huge debt. #college-minor

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 26, 2016 896 views

Financial Help for school

I am currently trying to go back to school and have applied for FAFSA, I barely got any money and my parents have no saved money for me to go to school. I have a job that pays minimum wage but want to better myself, I will most likely have to take out a ton of loans. I have applied for...

Shawn’s Avatar
Shawn May 25, 2016 2553 views

What is the best character trait employers are looking for in new employees?

I want to know what character traits employers find most important in the work place today. Maybe there is a particular trait to hone in on or be more conscientious of. #management #leadership #employers #project-managers

Sam’s Avatar
Sam May 20, 2016 1236 views

What is the most used coding language?

I'm interested in studying/majoring in computer programming and I want to know what most of the professionals use as their "go to" language. I've heard that C++ is a common one because of its versatility, is this true? Thanks for any feedback and help! #computer-science #technology...

Shaige’s Avatar
Shaige May 18, 2016 909 views

What's the best job to have on campus?

My family is not what you call prosperous, we all have our struggles, so I decided to work while I attend college. I was hoping that someone who has had this experience could give me some suggestions, I am going to UT Austin. #college #work

Shaige’s Avatar
Shaige May 18, 2016 1142 views

When selecting and entering a college, how do you handle the change of pace from being dependent to independent?

I am the youngest graduate from my high school, I will be graduating at the age of 16. I've matured faster than most my age but I still feel unprepared to handle life on my own. This is a vital question regarding my survival in college and life. #college #counselor #coaching #support

Chris’s Avatar
Chris May 18, 2016 1194 views

Where do I find information about job opportunities in the field I want to study?

I've been looking around online and can't seem to find a good place to look up companies that are hiring in specific degree fields. #business #logistics

Minh’s Avatar
Minh May 18, 2016 1507 views

Is it possible for students adapt to new career paths that are unrelated to their major? And if so, what steps should they take?

A lot of times, people end up having a new passion that is unrelated to their degree. I have seen many professionals gain high profile jobs even though they had a degree that was unrelated to their career. I was curious to see how a student could gain experience in a different field and dive...

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 17, 2016 1171 views

whats the best job in IT

Because IT is a booming industry and has good money in it. #information-technology #it