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Vicki Gargano’s Avatar

Vicki Gargano

business analyst consultant at Dell
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Hutto, Texas
10 Answers
30104 Reads
106 Karma

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Kiat’s Avatar
Kiat Sep 01, 2017 2127 views

Jobs outside of Big4 accounting?

I am pursuing an accounting degree from a top target school. However, I do not want to do audit or tax. Are there any other careers outside of traditional accounting that I can pursue with an accounting degree?

#accounting #Big4

Rob’s Avatar
Rob Mar 15, 2016 1757 views

Why did you attend the business school you did?

I'm a sophomore in high school and just starting to look into colleges to apply to next year. Are there certain schools you recommend I apply to if I want to ultimately have a successful career in business? I'm wondering why it is you chose to go to the school you did - what appealed to you?...

Prashikha’s Avatar
Prashikha Apr 10, 2017 1501 views

I will be graduating this year from grad school and i don't have experience although i hold 4GPA. Will inexperience really affect my career after i graduate?

I'm a international student and a senior in graduate school. i did my undergrad back home and will be done with my graduate degree this year. my major is finance and i don't have any experience till now. i'm having a hard-time looking for internship and entry-level jobs although i hold 4 GPA....

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Feb 03, 2017 1370 views

Where is the best area to live that will offer me the best opportunities as an accountant?

I'm very interested in pursuing my interests and becoming an accountant, but I need to figure out where to start. Some careers offer better opportunities in different places around the world, for example a fashion designer shouldn't live in Missouri because they won't have as big of a market as...

Tiffany ’s Avatar
Tiffany Jan 27, 2017 6190 views

Due to the competitive nature, do Big 4 firms discriminate against students who start at a community college?

So I am a student at community college for financial reasons, however I do not want that to make me a 'weaker' candidate. If it does, what can I do to set myself apart from the pack? #accounting #community-college #auditing #working-in-big-companies #deloitte #ey #kpmg #pwc

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 15, 2017 1755 views

Is it a good idea to work part-time in college?

I'm currently thinking about getting a part-time job or participating in a work-study while I'm at school. I could use the money to help pay for my textbooks and for my living expenses, but I'm concerned that my grades will suffer as a consequence. What was your experience working part-time...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 14, 2016 3863 views

Why are accountants usually the first career that people associate with miserable and bored people?

From my teacher, counselor, to my mentor/boss, all have told me that I need to be 100% sure that accounting is the right path for me. They then will go on to cite examples of accountants that they know who are miserable and hates waking up to go to work each day. Why are accountants always...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Sep 28, 2016 2688 views

How do you build up your credit score?

I want in the future to walk into an establishment, with them knowing that payment is coming.Not only that but, giving me what is consider above average waiting time to make a first payment? #financial-services #japan #public-relations #corporate-finance #coordinator #change-agent

Loren ’s Avatar
Loren May 23, 2016 7430 views

Is there mobility and opportunity for advancement in the accounting field?

I am considering majoring in accounting, but I am unsure if there will be opportunities for me to move up in a given company with that particular degree. #accounting #accountant

Mark’s Avatar
Mark May 19, 2016 1623 views

How do I manage to find out which type of accounting firm is the right one for me?

Having an accounting job after college is something I am very excited to pursue and work hard for. However, I do not know which types of firms I should apply for. I know I should go and look at all types of firms, but what makes a work-place the "right one"? #business #finance #accounting #economics