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San Jose, California
2 Questions
41 Karma

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Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie May 19, 2023 426 views

What is Pharmaceutical Research like?

Hi! My name is Melanie, and I am in high school. I am searching for someone working in Pharmaceutical Research to conduct an interview for a Foundations in Health Science class project on researching prospective careers. I have created questions (below), so please answer them all to be part...

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie May 10, 2023 314 views

How is your experience as a cardiologist? (pls help my potentential career research)

Hello! My name is Melanie, and I am a current high school student in 10th grade. I'm conducting an interview with a CARDIOLOGIST for a Foundations in Health Science Class research project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Please comment on this post, answering all 13...