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Guy David Gazit’s Avatar

Guy David Gazit

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Los Angeles, California
6 Answers
6290 Reads
11 Karma

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Maya’s Avatar
Maya Jul 03, 2024 1192 views

Should I major in film and minor in accounting? Or should I just minor in film and major in accounting? I'm even thinking about doing double major.

I'm a rising senior, so I still have time to pick between this. My passion is for film, but I'm also interested in finance/accounting. I plan on going to GSU - which I heard has a pretty good film program.

miles’s Avatar
miles Jul 23, 2023 795 views

What's the hardest part about animating?

Curious about the hardest part of animating, or being an animator in general. Is it the longer hours? Deadlines?

danika’s Avatar
danika Jul 19, 2023 984 views

For film and television production, how do I meet new people and find more experiences?

I am currently starting school studying film and television production and I want to be as prepared for my future as possible. Thank you!

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Jul 18, 2023 665 views

How can I get more involved in film/the entertainment industry while still in high school?

I will be a sophomore in a couple months. I already selected electives such as video production(mainly works on my school’s tv show) and animation for this upcoming year and I took “intro to acting” last school year. I’m also in stage crew for our play and musical. I want to gain more...

Kalea Jafer’s Avatar
Kalea Jafer May 15, 2023 1519 views

How could I be a film historian?

are there any programs I should join?

Saige’s Avatar
Saige May 15, 2023 999 views

What is it like being an actor or doing a big time career ?

What is it like being an actor that is really famous? What’s the film industry like.