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Xavier’s Avatar
Xavier May 21 533 views

What are an engineer's first thoughts when dealing with a problem?

I am a freshman whose dream job is to be an engineer and I want to know what I should look for when faced with fixing a problem.

Jazzy’s Avatar
Jazzy May 22 305 views

What are some key tips to achieving a 4.0 GPA in engineering undergrad ?

Going into engineering this fall, and wanted to know what are some tips for doing well in the program? I have about seven classes first semester so I am a bit worried.


Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel May 10 529 views

How to build a career in computer engineering ?

How to build a career in computer engineering

Andree' Katherine’s Avatar
Andree' Katherine Apr 24 369 views

What jobs are usually inclined with computer engineering?

Like when it comes to hardware or embedded systems what career path are there?

Mark’s Avatar
Mark Apr 23 555 views

How does one join a large IT company like Microsoft, IBM etc from college?

Can I apply directly to these companies ? How do I know where to go ?

Shyla’s Avatar
Shyla Nov 21, 2023 290 views

What will help me prepare for college?

I don't know how to apply for college but I do know the career that I would like, anything to do with music, art, and photography.

MY’s Avatar
MY Nov 16, 2023 760 views

Where to go to college to become a bio med engineer and play sports?

I love soccer and I am also very passionate to be a bio medical engineer so where should I go to do both

Jayce’s Avatar
Jayce Oct 31, 2023 448 views

Hello! I am a sophomore in high school currently gathering information on an electrical engineer. Is anyone willing to let me interview them?

These are the questions needed to be responded to: Interviewee’s specific degree: Interviewee’s place of employment: Please describe your engineering field. What is your current job title? Please describe your particular job and duties. What is your average work schedule? Starting with high...

Rac’s Avatar
Rac Oct 29, 2023 782 views

What collage should I go to ?

I need help in selecting what collage I should to?How will it affect me?what are the right and wrong I should know.what and who do you recommend for me?

Aden’s Avatar
Aden Oct 04, 2023 419 views

How hard would engineering school be in college for an above average learner.?

I am still trying to figure out if aerospace engineering would be the best fit for me. I still want to have fun so I would like to know how hard it would be to get through the classes.