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Boston, Massachusetts
18 Questions
1887 Karma

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Shatasia Oct 13, 2012 2588 views

Is most of your day spent working when being a detective?

I want to know how much of my day will be used due to this since thats what i want to be. #detective

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Shatasia Oct 13, 2012 1735 views

Does it sometimes become freaky when being a surgeon?

I am 15 years old and I am very interested in being a surgen. Please help' #surgery #surgeon

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Shatasia Oct 08, 2012 1959 views

What helped lead you on the path to photography?

I love taking pictures. I would love to make it my career. I want to know what made you decide you wanted to be a photographer. #photography

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Shatasia Oct 08, 2012 2168 views

Does it ever get scary when working with crimes?

Crimes scare me. However, i find it interesting. I want to know if fear is ever a problem when working with crimes. #criminal #crime #investigation

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Shatasia Oct 08, 2012 2660 views

Do you ever feel like it gets gross when being a nurse?

I dont like germs but, nurses interest me. I want to know if you ignore the germs when being a nurse. Please help! #nurse

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Shatasia Oct 08, 2012 2612 views

Does being a chef ever become stressful?

I am 15 years old. I am interesting in cooking. I hear so many people complain about cooking. I want to know how stressful it is for a professional, if it is stressful at all. #chef #cooking

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Shatasia Oct 07, 2012 2036 views

What is the biggest challenge when being an obgyn?

I am in 10th grade. I am very interested in this. I would like to know what challenge I should look out for. Please help!

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Shatasia Sep 22, 2012 2702 views

Are you most likely to find a career through highschool internships?

I am a sophomore and my school does internships. People have told me that they lead to great careers sometimes. I want to know if this is true. Please help! #internships

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Shatasia Sep 12, 2012 1847 views

How long did it take to get rid of stage fright when being an actress/ actor?

I am 15 years old. I am very interested in acting and being the center of attention. However, I get shy and start having stage fright. Please help me if you can! #arts #theatre #actor #actress

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Shatasia Sep 09, 2012 2558 views

How much time of your day is dedicated to work when being a lawyer?

Looking at real-life crimes and working with them is entertainment for me. That is why I am very interested in being a lawyer. Please help me figure out how much "me time" I will have with this job. #business #law #lawyer

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Shatasia Sep 09, 2012 7093 views

How many years of college will it take if I want to own my own business?

My family has owned a club before. I would love to get the chance to own a business. I want to know how many years in college it will take. Please help, I am really interested! #business

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Shatasia Sep 09, 2012 3464 views

At what age did you start dancing? What college did you attend for dancing?

I am 15 years old and I am really into dance. I havent really danced for a legit team. But I would love to major in dance. #arts #dance #dancing

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Shatasia Sep 09, 2012 1773 views

How many years did it take for you to realize you wanted to become a doctor?

I am in 10th grade. Some people tell me that I should know what I want to do in my future. Some people tell me not to rush things. I want to know how long it took you to realize this is what you actually wanted to do. #doctor #medicine #healthcare

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Shatasia Sep 07, 2012 2219 views

How many years in college would it take to be able to become a traveler?

I am in 10th grade and I haven't traveled many places. I would like to travel different places while working. #travel

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Shatasia Sep 07, 2012 2010 views

Do I need to take any specific classes in college to become a babysitter?

I am a sophomore in high school and i am very interested in kids. I need to know how many years it will take and what I need to know. #children #daycare #baby-sitting