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David Allen’s Avatar

David Allen

Data Analytics
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Dallas, Texas
10 Answers
3142 Reads
1 Karma

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Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Mar 28 545 views

How can I get started with molecular biology?

How can I get started with molecular biology? I love molecule so much. So why do you like molecules? Bc biology is literally the best thing ever. Do you agree?

Godspower’s Avatar
Godspower Apr 07 587 views

What are some common software development issues? And some trouble shooting tips.

I love software development and wnt o be a software engineer when I finish college, I'm currently in grade 11 and will be finishing in a couple of months

eman’s Avatar
eman Apr 18 450 views

early mailman carrer?

how do i become a mailman? is there classes into becoming a mailman

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Apr 14 701 views

Aside from the high pay, what is the appeal of Computer Science?

I am a college student at Hofstra University. I'm a Computer Science major and am currently a college sophomore.

bella’s Avatar
bella Apr 14 560 views


How can I become an itern at google i would love it there

Grant’s Avatar
Grant Apr 16 712 views

How can get job as a data analyst as an undergraduate?

I have degree in computer science and data science certification and I want to build a career in data science ,

Nabeel’s Avatar
Nabeel Apr 18 722 views

What would you need in order to become a technician?

I am a junior in high school and tech has been an interest of mine

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Apr 18 553 views

How to become a Web Developer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring web developers on their path.

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

george’s Avatar
george Apr 18 745 views

how useful are computer skills?

how is the knowledge