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Alejandra Salgado Ramirez’s Avatar

Alejandra Salgado Ramirez

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mexico City, Mexico
7 Answers
17137 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Mar 05, 2018 1179 views

What are some tips for language learning?

I love to learn languages and often do so by teaching myself. I can speak English and German proficiently, followed by Spanish decently well, and basic sentences in Turkish, Italian, and Russian. What are some tips on learning foreign languages and becoming more fluent? #language #german...

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Jan 20, 2018 725 views

How can I change the world by doing what I love?

I am a Girl Scout and I dream of leaving the Earth better than I found it. I love science and creating the designs from my head. I find mathematics to be a little challenging, but I keep working and am in Pre-Calculus and have taken all honor maths my school offers. I think Engineering is a...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 4055 views

What should you include in your resume if you're a student with little experience/ skills?

Looking to develop a resume that is effective and stands out, but I'm a high school student without much experience or skills. Are there any things you can include that someone reviewing your resume would find useful to know? Does the fact that I volunteer as a teacher assistant or that I'm...

khamira’s Avatar
khamira Apr 30, 2019 7135 views

what are 3 interview questions you will ask ?


Dhayananda ’s Avatar
Dhayananda Sep 15, 2014 2053 views

IT networking

Have 5 years exp in BPO but now want to get into IT networking, completed CCNA certificate let me know from where i need to start so I can learn everything in networking? #it #computer-networking

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Mar 18, 2019 2102 views

Will a CCENT certification increase job openings after earning a computer hardware engineering degree?

#computer-software #computer-science #computer-hardware #engineering #cisco

isyss’s Avatar
isyss Apr 17, 2019 1473 views

How do I decide what career I would like?

#career #career-path #help