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Robert Rossi’s Avatar

Robert Rossi

Many things! But mostly chemistry and chemical engineering
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Albuquerque, New Mexico
70 Answers
62147 Reads
241 Karma


Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 25, 2018 19121 views

If you could redo college, what would you do differently?

#college #college-major #college-admissions #college-advice ##college #college-bound #college-recruiting #colleges #university #user-experience #nursing #teaching #education #psychology #computer-science #science #stem #engineering #accounting #business #college-counseling #lawyer...

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Dec 18, 2024 161 views

How should you decide on what college to go to, should it be for a specific major?

High school

Aaliyah’s Avatar
Aaliyah Jan 14 974 views

What does a typical work day in Facilites Maintenance look like ? How well does Automotive Body and Repairs include a work-life balance into their schedule? What values does the company have for Maintenance and Repair workers?

I am currently in the Job Corps and still working on getting my highschool diploma, I am very interested in the trade Facilities Maintenance and are wondering if I should stick with this career path option.

Lani’s Avatar
Lani Jan 09 933 views

About how long would it take me to become an electrical engineer and is it worth it to go to school for that long?

I am still battling with what I want to pursue after high school and engineering is at the top. Unfortunately, some of my peers don't agree and think its a waste of my time.

Iqra’s Avatar
Iqra Jan 06 807 views

How to choose PhD program, If I aim to become an entrepreneur/startup after my PhD?

I am a PhD Chemistry aspirant. After PhD, I want to become an entrepreneur and build my own startup. But I want to know how to choose the PhD program so that I could achieve my goal of doing a PhD i.e. entrepreneurship

Angy’s Avatar
Angy Dec 22, 2024 1745 views

Is it a good idea to go study in the US?

After I got a remote full time job(where I get my work done in about 20/30 hrs a week, but paid for 40) I was looking to go study in the US. Starting at Santa Monica college and then if needed transfer to UCLA, I want to work as an actor and writer in Hollywood but still have a good degree to...

angel’s Avatar
angel Dec 21, 2024 1010 views

Struggled with OChem—Looking for Advice to Improve?

Hi everyone, I unfortunately didn’t pass Organic Chemistry despite asking for leniency, which I wasn’t able to get. Now I’m preparing to retake the course and would love advice on how to do better.

angel’s Avatar
angel Dec 14, 2024 678 views

Request for Feedback on Email to Organic Chemistry Professor?

Hi everyone, I’m currently struggling in organic chemistry and am just a few points away from passing. I’ve drafted an email to my professor to ask about potential options for leniency, such as extra credit or revisiting my exams for partial credit. Could I please get some feedback on my...

Ruth’s Avatar
Ruth Dec 10, 2024 1754 views

What is the most efficient way to get a IT job/internship, while still being in school.?

I am currently getting my GED and I am searching for IT jobs and or internships to apply for but I cant seem to find any. I am going to college in the spring for cybersecurity but I want some more experience beforehand. I am pretty efficient in computer engineering and I know a bit of...

Cole’s Avatar
Cole Dec 13, 2024 484 views

How do I achieve a career in both biology and chemistry?

I would to know more about my career path

Ki'yon’s Avatar
Ki'yon Dec 10, 2024 451 views

What classes should I take in college to become an engineer?

I am going to college in a couple of years, so I wanted to hear some suggested class that I should enroll in college to become an engineer.

Josue’s Avatar
Josue Dec 05, 2024 406 views

What helps build up my experience in the automotive caree path?

What are major things I should know before starting to get into automotive. When I say this i'm asking what are the pros and cons to this field.

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Dec 05, 2024 250 views

which subject do chemical engineers like?

i like chemical substances

john’s Avatar
john Dec 03, 2024 941 views

what subject to do if you like engineering?

in high school

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Nov 25, 2024 1291 views

what is a career in chemical engineering and how to achieve it?

I realized I didn't know as much as I thought I did about careers.