Gabrielle’s Career Goals
I am interested in learning more about the non-profit sector as I am working towards obtaining a BS in Community Development, graduating in May 2020

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How much of your job in community development involves research?
Do you feel that you need to really study the community you are working with in order to benefit them most? Do you find that reaching out to community members helps to understand the needs of the whole community most adequately, or do you research programs similar to ones you may be considering...

What is the most challenging part of working within community development?
Where do most of the frustrations lie when considering the work done within community development and community services? #community-management #community-development #community-outreach #familyservices #urbanplanning #careers

What is the best way to create connections within a community?
When working with community outreach, how do you determine where it would be best to look to find connections to a common ground within community development? #community-management #business-management #networking #communitydevelopment #community #outreach #engagement #career

What are the most important skills for your employees to possess?
What do you value most in terms of skills when looking for a new hire? Do you want a person with a ton of experience in a specific area, or do you consider a person who has experience in something for a fairly long period of time, even if it is not specially what you are looking for as...

What are the pros and cons of working for a non-profit?
I have worked within the educational field for the past decade. I am working towards obtaining my BS in Community Development, and want to see what my options may be, highly considering non-profit organizations #college-major #career #community #development #degree

Where should a Community Development major look for a career?
I am not interested in making phone calls all day with my degree. I would like to working within a non-profit or with individuals where I feel that I am actively helping others, working with people. #career #nonprofit #communitydevelopment #outreach #communityengagement

How important are extra-curriculars when exiting college?
As a non-traditional student, I have been working full-time while obtaining my degree. While this is not an extra-curricular that some workplaces or internships look for, I think there is value in sticking to obtaining a degree while also have responsibilities where my time is already split...

Best Community Development Sectors
Where should a person begin to look within the sector of community development, and community services? Should I look towards non-profit organizations or for-profit companies? #networking #internship #technology #business-management #job-application #career

Where should I start with new degree in Community Development?
As a soon to be graduate obtaining a degree in Community Development, with a concentration in Community Services, where should I look, in terms of organizations or companies to start my career. #community-management #career #human-resources #community-management

Are there websites you would recommend in order to help navigate the non-profit sector as a recent college graduate?
#college #college-advice #career #non-profit