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Sydney Ross’s Avatar

Sydney Ross

Student at Georgia State University
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
9 Answers
12139 Reads
11 Karma

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Paige’s Avatar
Paige Apr 22, 2020 698 views

how long will i have to go to college to become a peditrician? and what schools will be best for me to go to to get a good education?

i love taking care of people, just knowing that im helping them feel better makes me feel better as a person. especially kids, i love helping them feel better and to see a smile on there face, and to just know that they are happy #college #education #nursing

chizaram’s Avatar
chizaram Apr 22, 2020 2090 views

What can I do with a bachelors of biomedical sciences major?

Hi, I am a current high school student who would love to major in biomedical sciences next year in college. I wish to work with children, as a pediatrician or something of that field. However, I don’t want to do lab-based work with my degree before attending medical school. I’m still also...

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff Apr 17, 2020 520 views

Everyone says major doesn't matter for med school, but don't you need to learn science?

#medicine #premed #medical

Anisa’s Avatar
Anisa Apr 07, 2020 4133 views

I want to work in the BAU but I need some guidance

So, I've tried to look up tons of stuff about the different unit, descriptions of stuff they do, etc. I can't seem to find the answers to a lot of my questions though. Fair warning, there are a lot. So to start, which unit deals with the most cases? Which unit deals with the serial killers,...

Briseida’s Avatar
Briseida May 01, 2019 1245 views

what is the most important part of being a surgeon?

#surgery #medicine #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare

Saw’s Avatar
Saw Jun 14, 2019 548 views

I want to major in pre-med when I get to college, what are some things I can do to prepare my self?

I am currently in high school right now. #premed

danna’s Avatar
danna Sep 23, 2019 1332 views

what does a typical day in the life of a plastic and reconstructive surgeon look like?

high school student looking into becoming a plastic surgeon #premed #doctor #medicine #surgeon #surgery

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jan 17, 2018 1249 views

What is most important for me to do now to prepare for applying to medical school?

I’m planning to get my undergrad and apply to go to medical school. I know this can be a big, difficult process, so I want to be preparing now to have the greatest chance of being successful. What things can I do and be involved in to be best prepared for that application process? #medicine...

Elon’s Avatar
Elon Apr 02, 2020 719 views

Are there specific classes you should take during undergrad to become an orthodontist, if so what are they?

#college, #undergraduate, #orthodontist, #dentistry