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Sean McBrien’s Avatar

Sean McBrien

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
New York, New York
10 Answers
9357 Reads
81 Karma


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CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours May 31 307 views

How to become an F1 Driver?

Tell us everything we need to know to become an F1 Driver.

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

Javier’s Avatar
Javier May 02 431 views

What would be a suggested career path in order to work in investment banking Thanks?

Like what would be the University degree or just the main subjects someone should be related with (through courses, internships, programmes).

Jonah’s Avatar
Jonah May 02 276 views

What is the biggest fear of your future success?

Tell me what challenges you feel you are going to face and the adversity you are going to have to overcome that follow along with your career path.

James’s Avatar
James Apr 19 398 views

How can become a successful entrepreneur ?

In a technological advance world

Serenity’s Avatar
Serenity Apr 19 910 views

What is the work-life balance of an executive?

I'm interested in pursuing Business Management and Administration and Entrepreneurship in college. I was wondering what the work-life balance is like when you are a business executive or a manager. How do you maintain relationships? What are some factors that may affect the work-life balance?...

Skylah’s Avatar
Skylah Jan 11 1040 views

What will be some good career classes to take in college?

What's some good classes?

Leanna’s Avatar
Leanna Jun 09, 2023 2467 views

Will this help me with deciding a career goal?

I am confused on what to write on my career goal. I don’t know what kind of information to put.

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey Jun 09, 2023 1617 views

If you could change anything about your high school outcome, what would it be and why?

Lots of people often regret certain decisions after high school, so what do you wish you could change?

ERINE FERNANDA Jun 09, 2023 476 views

hi my name is Erine I am 15 years old and i want to be an entrepreneur im still learning about it and i want to be in the marketing business and to all business women and men how was the first time, and did you become successful on the first shot, or many failures did you deal with. one more question do you regret following your passion?

am i too young to follow my passion of being succesful