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Peris’s Avatar
Peris Jul 20 394 views

What is the best course in Accounting?

Am having a hard time to choose how i can

Nes’s Avatar
Nes Jul 19 232 views

Is it necessary to take a National board exam for optometry to be hired in an optometry clinic/office/primary vision center? If so where can you take it and what is the cost?

I want to be an optometrist and I'm not sure what the exam entails, how licensure works, the cost, where, and why.

Vanshika’s Avatar
Vanshika Jul 11 454 views

Admission Officers: Should I join my local Youth activities Council? Would that boost my overall college app, or should I save that time and spend it somewhere more useful?

While I do need to show some community service, I am interested in majoring in business and am wondering whether to spend that time working towards writing for financial literacy or join this Council where I don't know which mission it will most likely serve. I would like to hear the...

Vanshika’s Avatar
Vanshika Jul 11 407 views

What all major colleges have clubs that are open to high schoolers for chartering as well (might include a tie-up)?

I am mostly looking to start a business related club (anything related in the field is fine, i.e finance, economics, marketing, business, entrepreneurship). Most colleges have clubs that are specific to that college, I'm looking for clubs that can be brought to a high school. If possible, I...

Chandini’s Avatar
Chandini Jul 09 742 views

How do I get more internships in business?

I like accounting and entrepreneurship, but as a student in community college, I'm not sure how to get these resources.

Vanshika’s Avatar
Vanshika Jul 09 292 views

What do the admissions officers like to see under extra curriculars if applying under a business major in college?

I will be applying under a business major.

Erik’s Avatar
Erik Jun 19 238 views

What is the best career advice for a senior?

Searching for the best fitting career choice

Camilla’s Avatar
Camilla Jun 18 618 views

Should I worry about AI taking over the possible jobs as a business major?

I want to make absolutely sure that I have security in my career in the future.

And in the case that AI does take many people's work in business, what are some business-related careers that AI probably won't bother with?

Camilla’s Avatar
Camilla Jun 18 742 views

What are some skills to put on a resume as a college freshman with no work experience (For entry-level jobs)?

Thank you so much to anyone who answers, It would be a lot of help!

Camilla’s Avatar
Camilla Jun 18 488 views

What are some hard skills that employers like in the retail industry?

For entry-level positions.

Thanks so much to anyone who answers!

Camilla’s Avatar
Camilla Jun 18 336 views

Is it possible to learn retail inventory management system and the technology used without a retail job?

I apologize if this is a silly question, I'm wondering because I want to better prepare myself for part-time work in retail.

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jun 12 881 views

What is the best way to start networking?

Hello! I just finished my junior year of high school. With senior year coming up, I want to start networking more with professionals in jobs I am interested in. I have to admit, I am not the most extroverted person out there, and I want some tips!

Anonymous Moose’s Avatar
Anonymous Moose Jun 09 403 views

How do I pass an interview?

I've done multiple interviews, I'm on a rejection streak, and I am in the dumps because of it. It seems to me like my resume and application is good enough to be offered an interview but when it comes to the interview, I choke up. I know everyone says to just be yourself, but i don't know how...

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Jun 08 569 views

What would be some potential careers for someone interested in mechanical engineering?

I am interested in mechanical engineering and am planning to major in it. I value challenges, problem solving, and creating positive change. I am relatively skilled at utilizing digital software and tools.

Myles’s Avatar
Myles May 29 247 views

What jobs in law enforcement, have a mix of physical and mental labor?

If there's an in between in law enforcement where I can be physical and dormant doing computer work will fit my style of work perfectly. I like to have a balance between the two, so I'm not lacking heavily in one department than the other.

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