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Kristian’s Avatar
Kristian Jun 08 612 views

best path career to develop my skills in math?

best path career to develop my skills in math?

Kristian’s Avatar
Kristian Jun 08 678 views

what is the career path for programming or engineer ?

i want to learn programming

Alayna’s Avatar
Alayna May 21 164 views

What is the best major to take in college if you want to be a surgeon?

I want to become a Pediatric or Neonatal Surgeon and am genuinely curious what major most people who take this pathway take.

Deon’s Avatar
Deon May 16 138 views

How do I become better in school and sports ?

I am trying to get into a sport but I am nervous that won’t be good enough to make the team or simple won’t be able to go through with attempting to join that team in the first place

Lilly’s Avatar
Lilly May 07 244 views

How should I decide what career path I want?

I'm in an AVID class (high school freshman) and we do a lot of activities to do with college and career planning, but I don't know what I want to do.

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Apr 24 203 views

What school is the best if you are going into hospice

What is the best college to go to if you want to do hospice

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Apr 17 327 views

What Steps should I take in becoming a Psychiatrist?

Currently getting my Highschool diploma/GED and I'm curious as to what steps I should take next? What Should I major in? What Classes should I take? Any tips on studying? Could you explain to me step by step the process in becoming a Psychiatrist?

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Apr 17 414 views

How do I get my focus back on track?

I want to continue my career and education in nursing and want to be able to focus thoroughly while doing it. Trying to focus on school has become hard for me due to personal issues that I'm trying to overcome. Any tips will be taken into consideration.

Mila’s Avatar
Mila Mar 17 834 views

udemy or youtube is the best to learn from free courses ?

udemy or youtube is the best to learn from free course?

Mila’s Avatar
Mila Mar 17 996 views

udemy or youtube is the best to learn from free course?

udemy or youtube is the best to learn from free course?

Alaina’s Avatar
Alaina Mar 10 409 views

How do I start earning scholarships ?

I am going back an forth between a few career paths at the moment. I'm mainly looking into the medical field.

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Feb 13 881 views

What kind of education do I need to work with animals? I can't afford a 4 year college.

In a vet setting.

Darielle’s Avatar
Darielle Jan 22 529 views

how does college work ?

How does college go ? I'm currently in an alternative school and I'm in he Niten grade and I want to know about college and I want some advice about college and the dos and don't ,.

Jayda’s Avatar
Jayda Dec 02, 2023 1764 views

How can i get a job at 14?

How can i get a job at 14? Its very hard to get a job at 14 now and days. Is there anything i can do to get a job at my age?

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Nov 09, 2023 325 views

Why do trains move?

What make trains go

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