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Pearl’s Avatar


6 Questions
448 Karma

Pearl’s Career Goals

I want to be my own web-series producer, so I would like advice on being an actor/VA (so I can get an idea of what I want and voice my own show with others), 3D and 2D animator (to animate my series and make web comics), Author (for making plots), Music creator (for my series), and an artist just for funsies.



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Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Dec 09 473 views

How do I find the right combination of plot ideas?

I don't know the exact saying, but I think it's something about how all stories are used, just with different characters and settings. I don't know all the combinations, but I really want to look for some that really stands out. Sometimes I don't know what the "plot" is called, especially if I...

Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Nov 04 721 views

How to understand a different perspective for characters?

Hi. So I want to make a story, but I want the characters to flourish with diversity (disabilities, race, personality, etc.) but I don't know how to make a character through their eyes. Say they had epilepsy, I want the character to be relatable and true to other epileptic people. Edit: Thank...

Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Nov 04 863 views

Should I pursue a New Highschool?

The high school i'm currently assigned to has none of the art electives I'm looking for to become a producer for my own show (see my description for my future careers). Any High school ideas I should look at? I'm in 8th grade right now. I live in Hawaii.

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Pearl Oct 28 470 views

Where/how to do lessons while being safe?

I live in Hawaii. Anyone who has ever watched "The Sound of Freedom" knows that looking for a teaching place or even a website to learn or do something can be shady or scary to find/be in. Any tips on how to find the right one? I want to look for places or teaching websites that can teach me...

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Pearl Oct 23 357 views

How to be a pro artist?

I'm an aspiring artist, and I want to learn animation and art in general. I want to make my own series when I get older, and I don't know what webs/places to learn from. (I take art class by the way). What are some tips to improve?

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Pearl Oct 23 382 views

Should I be a Voice actor or an actor?

I met an awesome Voice actor, Lizzie freeman (TADC, jojo's bizzare adventure, etc...), and she inspired me to be a voice actor. I'm planning to take chorus to help my voice, but she recommends having a bigger 'job palette' by being an actor. What should I do? Also, what can I do to practice my...