Jennifer’s Career Goals
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Are there any online resources for financial modeling?
I am interested in learning more about financial modeling and valuation. #financial-modeling #career #finance #online-learning

Any qualification examinations worthwhile to take?
Apart from CPA, ACCA and CFA. #exams #college #college-advice #bar-exam #career

Any online platforms I can use to acquire IT skill?
I know there are some online courses offered by Microsoft. #information-technology #e-learning #information-technology-and-services #online-learning

Which major I should choose for my masters degree?
I am interested in majors that don't have many calculations involved. #career-path #college-major #masters-degree #college #career

How can you seize market opportunities?
My friend is thinking of doing some start-up projects, and she is not sure what to look for. #start-ups #how-do-you-start-a-business #startups #entrepreneurship

Is the UK a good place for studying for a master's?
I want to pursue a masters degree and I am struggling between United States and United Kingdom. #masters-degree #career-path #masters #graduate-school #college #united-kingdom

How long did it take to find out what career are you interested in?
I am not sure what kind of jobs should I go for.
#career-choice #career-path #career

What qualities should I possess if I want to be a consultant?
Interested to be a management consultant in the future. #consulting #management-consulting #strategic-consulting #career

What are some advantages or disadvantages of being a ballet dancer?
Wondering about my future career. #dance #ballet #dance-education #ballet-teacher

Is CV clinic useful in making my own resume?
Wonder whether any of you has found cv clinic or other experts to correct your resume. #career-development #career-plan #resume

Where should I search for jobs?
Is LinkedIn a good media to find a job? #career #career-choice #job-search #linkedin