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Naomi’s Avatar
Naomi Jan 19, 2018 744 views

How many years will it take me to pay off my college debt? In a perfect scenario, enter the workforce with a bachelors in accounting?#collegedebt

I am curious on average how long does it take to pay off college debt? Will this hinder other financial situations. #collegedebt #financial-planning #college-advice

Talise’s Avatar
Talise Jan 18, 2018 659 views

Is it worth it to go to a more expensive college? Do employers care about that?

It feels irresponsible to go to a more "prestigious" school that costs three times as much money if it wouldn't look much better on an application. #collegedecisions

Martha’s Avatar
Martha Jan 16, 2018 811 views

What are some ways to figure out what major is best for you in college?

Currently in my third college semester psychology major(BA) but considering switching majors.

#choosing-a-major #liberal-arts-major #psychology #college-advice #collegesuccess

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jan 19, 2018 574 views

If i want to transfer colleges will i lose any scholarships?

If I change my mind on career choices and want to go to a different school will I lose my scholarship money?

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Jan 16, 2018 593 views

Does needing financial aid affect your chances of being accepted by a college?

I already know that I will not be able to pay tuition all on my own and I was wondering if a college would not accept me over a student that doesn't need financial aid. #collegebound #college-admissions

Amber’s Avatar
Amber Jan 18, 2018 985 views

What classes can you take in college that would teach you life skills, as in not relating to a major?

#life-skills #college #college-advice #collegeclasses

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 16, 2018 956 views

Is accounting a good career path?

How do I know the career I am right for? Is accounting good for girls who like math and want to make a fair amount of money? What is school like for someone interested in the business field? #accounting #career-path #collegefreshman

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Jan 16, 2018 645 views

What is the best advice you have for incoming college freshmen?

Making the leap from high school to college seems pretty scary at times. It would be amazing to hear some advice about how to be successful, well-organized, and happy during the next 4 years! #tips #collegeadvice

Cole’s Avatar
Cole Jan 18, 2018 980 views

Should I double major to give myself more options, or should I save time and stress?

I am a very hard worker and will do anything to get my work or job done however, I am also a person to get very overwhelmed and stressed out because of it. Would double majoring be worth my time and stress or should I try to stick to one major?

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Jan 18, 2018 634 views

What all classes can I take in college?

If you are wanting to major in a certain topic, is there specific classes that you have to take the whole time or would you be able to take other classes that you would be interested in? #collegeclasses

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Jan 16, 2018 829 views

When moving out of your home state for college, is it better to live in college dorms of an apartment?

I am dead set on going out-of-state for college because I want to escape my home state of Texas a bit to somewhere colder. I wonder which would be more worth it and easier. #student #collegedorm #apartment

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Aug 31, 2017 674 views

What is like to start your first year of college in Spring?

I am starting college in January at the spring session. I am not sure if it is exactly like starting in fall or not. #collegefreshman #college #college-advice

Verenice’s Avatar
Verenice Jan 16, 2018 732 views

What are good ways to get extra cash for college?

Any job recommendations?
Where to get cheap books?
Savings tips?


Tabatha’s Avatar
Tabatha Jan 16, 2018 535 views

How will I know when I am truly ready to go to college?

I'm asking this question because it's been a major topic pressing on my mind. I want to make sure that I have a brief understanding of independence and adulthood before taking that next big step. I've already been accepted into my school of choice, now its all about preparation. #collegepreparation

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jan 14, 2018 973 views

When deciding on what colleges to go to, what should take precedent- what you want to study or where the university is?

I've heard that college is about a lot more than the education aspect, that it's learning to live on your own and explore yourself as a person. Also, the majority of people end up switching majors anyway while still in college, so I'm wondering what should be weighed more: the university as a...