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Billy Vardharajan’s Avatar

Billy Vardharajan

Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Diego, California
17 Answers
19189 Reads
46 Karma



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Shaune’s Avatar
Shaune Oct 28, 2024 278 views

Is a computer major a good major for jobs?

I just wanted to ask before pursuing this major

victor’s Avatar
victor Aug 14, 2024 629 views

Who is a programmer?

programmer ,IT ,computer science

Karely’s Avatar
Karely Aug 14, 2024 1247 views

What type of internships are good for a computer science major?

I am in my second year and by the third year, if I want to be successful, I should ger an internship in order to get a job easily after I graduate

Chiranjeev’s Avatar
Chiranjeev Aug 10, 2024 1562 views

how good or bad of a decision it is that I don't have any interest in computers but I am pursuing AI/ML engineering and have very basic DSA knowledge or DSA skill yet I am trying to be consistent with it with bad math foundational knowledge please explain your reason in depth

I took it because my mom and all my family members pushed me to do it and day by day I feel like something is horrible is about to happen to me idk what

Honey’s Avatar
Honey Aug 07, 2024 927 views

I've completed my bachelor's in computer science from india and planning to pursue my master's in usa . Do the tech companies recruiters consider the qs rankings of the university that i go to while the hiring process?

1 ) If two people with the same skill set apply for a job and one person is from a university with less QS ranking and the other with high . Will the person from good university get the job over the other person

Lorraine’s Avatar
Lorraine Jul 27, 2024 668 views

where should i start to become a computer coder ?

where should i start to become a computer coder ?

Jaiden’s Avatar
Jaiden Dec 07, 2023 2535 views

A good path for Computer Science?

I am looking to find a career in computer Science and technology. My experience in this subject is fairly limited as I have just now been looking for good career path in Computer science.

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Dec 07, 2023 1119 views

How do we know if computer science is a good major for us?

Is computer science a good major in college?

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Jul 27, 2023 2931 views

How do I get started in the tech industry coming from an unrelated field Are there any real pay to learn opportunities??

For the better part of a year I have been learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, and Swift. I am still relatively novice but Im learning quickly. The trouble is that I cant dedicate enough time to truly practice my skills because I am too busy at my other job. I am in a position in my life to...

Chikaima’s Avatar
Chikaima May 17, 2023 1245 views

What skills do you need if you want to become a software engineer?

I'm curious about the skills you need if you want to become a software engineer

Emilio’s Avatar
Emilio May 11, 2023 405 views

my Name Is Emilio T I'm currently in high school . I'm conducting a interview with any professional in the field of Computer programming I will be asking 10 questions today

1.What made you do this this Career? 2.What did you do to prepare for this career? 3. What classes would you recommend to take? 4. What company do you work for? 5.What skills prepared you for this job? 6. What college/training program did you go to and what influenced your choice? 7. How much...

zaire’s Avatar
zaire May 05, 2023 1001 views

what motivates engineers to start doing what they do ?

technology engineering

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Apr 28, 2023 650 views

Should I look for a new role or continue to develop my knowledge base?

Hi guys, I graduated in computer science with my first class 5 years ago now, and ever since, I've had 2 roles as a software engineer but in reality, it was PHP roles. At my first role, I worked in PHP 7 and Bootstrap 4. In that role, I created websites and even API. In the 2nd job, Iworked...

Allan’s Avatar
Allan Apr 19, 2023 1058 views

When should I as a undergraduate student start prepping for real world job experience in my field, which is Computer Science, as a programmer/software developer?

This year in the fall, I will be starting college as a Freshman, how should I start preparing for job-placement, when I graduate in 4 years?

Naziyat’s Avatar
Naziyat Apr 25, 2023 852 views

What does it like to be an Electrical Engineering ?

I have a interest in both math and engineering. I want to know how people work on this kind of field especially electrical engineering. How does a day go in a office of a engineer and if you like it, why do you like it? In university which subject do i have to study with the most importance in...