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Emily’s Avatar
Emily Aug 28, 2023 425 views

What is art ? How do we use art? When dose art come up

Art we use each and every day

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Jun 19, 2023 411 views

How do you assure success when your going into college for a career?

I am going to be a senior this year and I don't exactly know what I want to major in for college. I want to pick something that I enjoy doing but also something I can be successful in. I don't want to go to college for something I am unable to get a job in or that I don't enjoy.

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Jun 18, 2023 354 views

Is most of the job from behind a computer screen?

I'm in 12th grade this year and I am considering going into architecture because it involves designing and I am interested in architecture because I love seeing big or beautiful old buildings.

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Jul 06, 2019 872 views

What if I am not sure what I want to do when I graduate?


Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jan 16, 2018 1283 views

What is the best type of volunteer work that colleges look for?

Do colleges look for your volunteer hours? If so what kind do they value most? I have been apart of a math internship where I help Algebra 1 kids with their homework and I am apart of the National Honor Society. Would colleges look at that to consider my eligibility? #math #college...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jan 16, 2018 8001 views

What kind of math classes are required to major in animation?

I have tooken many college classes to help save for the cost of college but the highest math class I was able to take in high school was College Algerbra. Would I have to Take any further math courses such as calculus or stats to pursue this career?

#mathematics-education #math #animation

James’s Avatar
James Oct 22, 2016 973 views

What kind of career options will I have with a 2 year computer drafting degree?

I am looking at different job opportunities and parts of the country to live in. #in #degrees #people #with #year

James’s Avatar
James Oct 22, 2016 1018 views

I like computer drafting and architecture. I would like a 2 year degree. Would I have a disadvantage over someone with a four or five year degree?

People are telling me a master's degree is better than an associate's. #or #someone #with #year #either #five #two #architecture #computer-aided-drafting #drafting #architecture-and-planning #architect #career

Justin’s Avatar
Justin May 22, 2016 1137 views

Is experience more valuable than a degree when seeking a job?

I have heard people say that their degree does them little good because the employer doesn't want to hire people with no experience. On the other side, some have told me that the "piece of paper" will help you out immensely. I am wanting to know the balance between these. #travel #ceo

Justin’s Avatar
Justin May 22, 2016 958 views

If I am studying to be a music composer, is it possible to intern with a professional?

I love composing and arranging my own music and would love to do it professionally one day. #music #musician #music-composing #composer

Michela’s Avatar
Michela May 09, 2016 1084 views

Is playing sports in college a big distraction for your intended major?

I am intending on playing sports next year however I am afraid it will affect my grades. #sports

Michela’s Avatar
Michela May 09, 2016 854 views

Would minoring in different languages be beneficial for someone who is going into the medical field?

I am going into the nursing field and am a little hesitant on whether or not I should learn different languages. This questions seems to have an easy answer for it, however by having a professional opinion on it I feel it would help me with my decision. #doctor #nursing #dental-hygienist

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