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John McCarthy’s Avatar

John McCarthy

U.S. Military
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Honolulu, Hawaii
91 Answers
90188 Reads
171 Karma


Civic Duty

Active Locations

Yuri’s Avatar
Yuri Apr 22, 2020 1307 views

With COVID-19, will possible for me to work or study abroad in the near future?

#study-abroad #work-abroad #COVID-19

Sakshi’s Avatar
Sakshi Jun 18, 2020 1072 views

I wan to know whats the right career for me.

I love performing but i am not confident. I am good at maths. i am also moody. #career-choice #career-choice #career

Camille’s Avatar
Camille Feb 04, 2019 757 views

What are good jobs for 14 year olds? And will they most likely hire teens


Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 20, 2019 1123 views

What is the best way to get a job?


abizail’s Avatar
abizail Jun 06, 2019 1390 views

What is a typical day like in your job.


Naupaka’s Avatar
Naupaka Feb 24, 2020 857 views

what makes your job stressful?

Im in job corps and i would like to know more about your job. #job-search #job #any

Garrett’s Avatar
Garrett Mar 29, 2020 1593 views

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you became an adult?

what did u want to be when you grow up ??? #any #degree #educator #criminal-justice #college

David’s Avatar
David Mar 24, 2020 1294 views

My school district has shut down for an extra week in my area due to COVID-2019 which isn't a big deal. As a senior tho it is hard to think that they might cancel school. I've been hearing rumors and even seeing in some news articles the state of Texas might postpone school for the rest of the year 2019-2020. I'm worried about how that'll affect me not gonna lie. Whether colleges think I failed to what job I apply for in the future... Any tips or advice? Thanks in advanced!

#college-advice #student #college #school #uncertain #covid-19

Ei’s Avatar
Ei Aug 23, 2019 747 views

Hi I’m very indecisive about the major. I want to go for the neuroscience major but i cant afford the price what should i do?

Hi I’m eve from Burma. I’m 21. I quit medical school from Myanmar to study in America. I’m seeking advice what to take for the major in order to earn money so that I’m able to support my family back in Myanmar. #college-major

Cam’s Avatar
Cam May 02, 2019 1292 views

How do I figure out if my major is the correct one?

As in, if you don't know what major you will do, how do you know if the one you choose is the right one? #college-major

Vidhi’s Avatar
Vidhi Jun 09, 2020 1047 views

I am a high School Grad. Please help me select my college

I just graduated from high school. I am planning to attend an online university because I don't want to waste my years waiting for the pandemic to be over. Can someone suggest me which online university is the best for Computer science? Is the degree worth it that I can get a job after I...

taijah’s Avatar
taijah Feb 25, 2020 790 views

where can i volunteer to get good experience?

I am currently taking classes to get into the MA program, i was wondering where is a good place to volunteer? #college #volunteer #job-search

Aadhar’s Avatar
Aadhar Apr 24, 2020 1208 views

How can I be a volunteer ?

#volunteer #internship #job-search

Erick’s Avatar
Erick Mar 20, 2020 1793 views

Is it even worth it to look for an internship for this summer?

I was looking for an accounting internship but with #COVID-19 is it even worth my time?

#accounting #internship

Matti’s Avatar
Matti Mar 18, 2020 1024 views

How will COVID-19 affect the overall job market?

#COVID-19 #job #career #job-market