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Linda Heuser’s Avatar

Linda Heuser

Retired professor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Portland, Oregon
35 Answers
20044 Reads
2 Karma

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Irma’s Avatar
Irma Apr 29, 2014 1735 views

Is it better to go to a bigger school rather than a smaller school?

I am a Sophomore at a small high school, and I was wondering if it was better to go to a big college and/or university? #college #university #school #future

AngelEd ’s Avatar
AngelEd Jan 29, 2013 1613 views

If not to learn, why go to school?

There's a strong sentiment that most "kids" who go to college, go to party and cut loose, rather than to learn/better themselves. Yet there's an entire group of people who work two-jobs just so they can go to school. I'm curious (on all education levels) why people go to school if not to...

Bria’s Avatar
Bria Sep 19, 2016 1125 views

Are there any other ways to volunteer for a cause online beside this one?

I want to get more involved in the world and be able to network, or volunteer for activities around the world. The best way as people to connect to each other is through the internet and I want to see if there are other online volunteer options. #volunteering #networking #social-networking

Elena’s Avatar
Elena Jan 16, 2018 601 views

Should one take a year off after college to participate in volunteer work in their field, instead of going straight into graduate school?

I am trying to decide future steps for my life. #volunteer

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 15, 2018 837 views

How can I apply my love for volunteering to my college life in the future?

Volunteering has become a significant part of my life, and I can't imagine life without it. I do a lot of work with kids who have special needs and I want to figure out how to incorporate that into a college atmosphere. #volunteering #merceruniversity

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Aug 28, 2018 546 views

Can you major in History and still get into med school?

Is it best to major in biology or can I choose another major?

Marcus’s Avatar
Marcus Jul 26, 2018 388 views

What is the best course of action to take when your struggling with paying for books?

Although i am not in college yet, my mother was once in college. When i was younger i watched her struggle with her balancing providing for us and paying for her college books. I just do not wanna go through what she had to. #cllege

Samreen’s Avatar
Samreen Sep 01, 2017 1582 views

How can I maintain good relationships with my professors once I go to college?

My teachers often advise me that it is important to get to know your professors in university, and I was wondering how I can do this.

#professor #positivity

Keila’s Avatar
Keila Oct 30, 2016 813 views

When was the first time that you realized you'd like to study sociology and what work field did you eventually get into?

I'm interested in the study of sociology and physiology and would like to know the different types of jobs that nurture these two studies. It's also interesting to hear stories on why people like to study the behaviors of society. #sociology #human #physiology #behavior

Ivy’s Avatar
Ivy Jan 16, 2018 565 views

What is the average day like for a social researcher or sociologist?

I'm thinking of majoring in sociology in college, but I want to learn more about the field and what the average day in that type of career would be like. #sociology #research #college #college-major

Dejanira’s Avatar
Dejanira Apr 10, 2020 717 views

I am taking sociology in college, what are the different jobs that are available in that field?

I initially wanted to take integrated medicine but they will not transfer my credits from a previous college. So I am attending GCU of which transferred 44 credits. #Sociology is the closest thing at that college that will enable me to help people in a better way.

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Mar 23, 2020 602 views

what are other ways that college or university can help ?


Indhu’s Avatar
Indhu Jul 26, 2020 1552 views

What is the most rewarding moment in your career?

I am a curious person and I was wondering, if a person chooses a career, how are the driven to practice the same routine over and over for a long period of time? I am quite puzzled currently about my career choice and I would like some guidance. So what is that 1 thing which motivates you,...

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Jul 29, 2020 525 views

Should I do 2 years of community college instead of going straight to a 4 year?

I was wondering if it was worth it going straight into a 4 year if I have the ability to go to community college. I don’t have funds for a 4 year university, but I am also afraid I won’t be as competitive wants I apply to medical school one day. I am just not sure what option is better....

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 523 views

What if you don't want to go to college?

#student #college