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Arun Lazar’s Avatar

Arun Lazar

Management Occupations
Ashburn, Virginia
13 Answers
7948 Reads
11 Karma

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Orion’s Avatar
Orion Jun 16, 2023 395 views

Does taking AP classes in high school effect your chances in getting into a better school?

I took an AP class this year and i really enjoyed it. I just want to know if taking these classes are more beneficial then taking normal high school courses.

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Jun 16, 2023 528 views

Is consulting for me?

I'm a current Junior in College, debating if consulting is the perfect fit for me. I'm currently interning for one of the big four and the work they're giving me is making me feel doubtful and overwhelmed.

Amelia’s Avatar
Amelia Jun 16, 2023 1014 views

What should I do to start my path to being a pilot and what do I need to research so I can learn more about this career I want?

What level of education do I need to be a pilot?

Norman’s Avatar
Norman Jun 16, 2023 261 views

How can you find a job that it interesting?

How can you find a job that you might be interested in?

Jaelyn’s Avatar
Jaelyn Jun 13, 2023 263 views

How do you figure out which college is the best fit for you and your needs to become successful?

I am currently still in high school, I will be an upcoming senior (class of 2024).

I am interested in going into nursing or being in the medical field.

Randy’s Avatar
Randy Jun 03, 2023 567 views

What is the meaning of life ?

What is the meaning of life?

Zoey’s Avatar
Zoey Jun 07, 2023 764 views

What should I do after highschool? I want to be a model but I don't know if I should go to school for it or not

Just a little advice please.

Amire’s Avatar
Amire Jun 09, 2023 1238 views

What are some of your concerns about college?

What colleges are you interested in? What are some of your favorite classes and why? What are you looking for in a college? What are some of your concerns about college?

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey Jun 09, 2023 1617 views

If you could change anything about your high school outcome, what would it be and why?

Lots of people often regret certain decisions after high school, so what do you wish you could change?

Devyani’s Avatar
Devyani May 27, 2021 482 views

i wish to restart my carrier

i completed my ll. in 2013 having no experience want to restart my carrier but all knowledge got evaporated , what can i do to start a job #general

laraine’s Avatar
laraine May 18, 2023 381 views

what should I do after Highschool?

I'm a sophomore and in NJROTC but I'm still not sure of what I should do or aim for after I graduate.

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jun 06, 2023 410 views

What do i do I need help?

What do i do next, I am just lost and don’t know what to do next to go in the right direction. There’s so many ways my life could play out right now. The decision is hard, whether to work or to have my last fun summer.

Summer’s Avatar
Summer Jun 09, 2023 560 views

Why do i feel so ill?

I'm having trouble with life in general.