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Ann Xu’s Avatar

Ann Xu

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Los Angeles, California
7 Answers
6113 Reads
21 Karma

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tommy’s Avatar
tommy Feb 14, 2023 1748 views

what are some things you value in a chef?

id like to know what valued traits chefs have

Devlan’s Avatar
Devlan Feb 14, 2023 849 views

What should I go to college for?

What should I do? I like math and science and have good grades.
I like to be outside and have fun. I like working with others. I am positive. I like a challenge.

SAI HAMSINI Feb 12, 2023 567 views

will having an online organization make you stand out in college applications ,if yes how do I build one and waht are few major issues that need solution ?

for college Im intrested in business computers and ai

amir’s Avatar
amir May 23, 2022 483 views

i will graduate high school to give me more opportunities of jobs in the future

i will graduate high school to give me more opportunities of jobs in the future

A’s Avatar
A May 15, 2022 1103 views

Which sectors/companies in the business field ask for grades, which don't?

Im new to the village and I have been reading posts about companies like the Big 4 Firms. There is responses that when hiring, they value class grades specifically in accounting. I was wondering how much importance goes to grades, and if there is any changes in different companies or sectors....

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Apr 04, 2022 623 views

Should I apply for an obscure major at an UC and then transfer to stem?

The low acceptance rates at UCs for stem majors is daunting and I would like to know if applying for an obscure major would be a good idea.

Maeve’s Avatar
Maeve Apr 26, 2014 3266 views

What is it like to work in "Big 4"?

I am about to head off to college where I will be majoring in business administration with a concentration in accounting. The college I'm going to is highly recruited by the "Big 4" and I would really like to work at one of the firms, #business #career #accounting #job