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Kristina Boyanova’s Avatar

Kristina Boyanova

UI/UX Designer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Sofia, Bulgaria
9 Answers
6132 Reads
22 Karma

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leanne’s Avatar
leanne Nov 03, 2022 812 views

How to become a UX designer if I have no computer experience?

How to become a UX designer if I have no computer experience?

Saanvi’s Avatar
Saanvi Jan 21, 2023 717 views

What is the hardest thing about being a Graphic Designer?

I am a junior in high school and I want to be a Graphic Designer.

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Mar 13, 2023 921 views

What types of drawing designs are recommended to learn?

Since I am still learning, I would like to focus on what type of drawing style I should learn before deciding on what career I would like to choose.

Kimora’s Avatar
Kimora Apr 15, 2023 1035 views

How to become a successful designer??

Any tips or things that I can be doing at this age to benefit whenever I get older??

kate’s Avatar
kate Apr 18, 2023 529 views

how do you start a career in graphic design?

is it easier to be a freelance artist, or get hired by a specific company for your first graphic design job?

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Mar 02, 2022 1100 views

What should I expect in a graphic design career?

#graphic-design #web-design #career #design

Anastasiia’s Avatar
Anastasiia Apr 19, 2023 1018 views

Do you need to take art classes for graphic or web designing?

I am a freshman in High School and one of my favorite classes is algebra, I always was an amazing student with good grades in school, love to design and be creative about all the things but also is very responsible and organized student.

C’s Avatar
C Mar 12, 2019 1404 views

What are the steps needed to be a UX designer?

From your experience and journey to a UX designer, what online resources & bootcamps you have used to get where you are right now? Which bootcamps or online learning platforms you would recommend for a person w/o much prior knowledge in coding and programming language? Thank you!...

Eva’s Avatar
Eva Apr 27, 2023 636 views

How can I decide what I want my occupation to be if I have so many ideas?

Hey, my name is Eva and I'm starting high school next year, ever since I was in Elementary school I've been thinking about who I want to be in the future, and I have sooooo many ideas! I can't decide! Some things include: singer and/or actor, artist, writer, DJ or any type of music artist in...