Janis Ransom

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How do i know if me in a right path for your good career goal?
How do i know if me in a right path for your good career goal?

How should I decide what career path I want?
I'm in an AVID class (high school freshman) and we do a lot of activities to do with college and career planning, but I don't know what I want to do.

How do I look for a good job after getting a bachelors degree for Mechanical Engineering??
Need help on how to find a job after getting a major in Mechanical engineering.

How can I choose a career I want?
I am having trouble choosing a career. I like fashion and solving things.

How can I be ready for an interview or for school on time?
What is the best way to be prepared even if you don't know the questions they are going to ask you.

What is the growth potential in the welding career path ?
I want to know if the welding career path has growth opportunities and longevity because I want a career I can continue pursuing for a long time, And what is the usual entry-level welding pay?

How can I get a part time job that is well paying while in middle school while playing 2 sports?
I am a 14 year old 8th grade student who also plays basketball and baseball. My parents do not pay for my sports equipment so I am seeking advice to try and help me find and manage a part time job while being a multi sport student-athlete.

Is being a teacher worth it?
is being a teacher worth it now a days it scares me because of the bad connotation that goes with it

How do you succeed in life without proper education and diplomas?
What if I don’t want to do thirteen years of school just to do many more years of college?

do I have to go to college to be a police because if so what is one of the best ones for a 18 year old.
And if not then how do i get into a police academy

What if you don't know what you wanna do as a career?
I have no Idea what career I want to do.

What kind of training do people take in order to be a police officer?
I'm a freshman in high school and currently trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up, but I always want to help individuals and help people have justice for themselves or their families.

why is find the right job always hard?
Why do many of us struggle to get a job

How to choose a career path with a wide range of interests?
I am a psych major in my freshman year of college, and do not know what career path to pursue. I am interested in behavioral psychology, criminal justice, interior architecture, music production, and research journalism, and have no idea how to narrow down what I want to actually pursue.