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Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Jan 08 1088 views

How to begin as a highschool student wanting to become a teacher taking college teaching courses?

I have a 2.7 gpa and plan to take the act soon and graduate a semester early.

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Jun 09, 2023 7975 views

Is it really hard to get into Law School?

I am not super smart or top of my class and I am wondering if you must be top of the class and super high GPA to even get into Law school. I have heard this quite a bit so I am worried and curious.

Hunter’s Avatar
Hunter Apr 07, 2023 390 views

What do i need to be rich at a young age?

I want money alot of it. I wanna live life to the fullest and get the most money possible. Willing to do just bout anything.

Nic’s Avatar
Nic Sep 24, 2021 504 views

What college courses would help me achieve a job coding for Mojang.

I am a sophomore in High school and my goal job is a carrier coding Minecraft to help develop and improve the game.
I am very good at math and have some experience in javascript.
#computer-science #video-games #CPS #coding

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Sep 24, 2021 415 views

do i have to ask a career or college type question

#university #career-choice

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Jun 23, 2020 477 views

Can you animate and game programing in the same studio? I would like to do both. When I talk about animating, I mostly mean minecraft animations but I will probably do a little more than that.

I'm 14 so I'm planning on taking master degrees in both animating and game coding and studio of coding and animating, so I need to learn alot. If I can't do it in one studio, i'll try it in two because this is my dream and I plan to not fail, but I have a plan B which is just game coding and a...

Landry’s Avatar
Landry Oct 24, 2018 833 views

Should I declare a major right away or wait until sophomore year?

#teacher #nurse #cantdecide #whatmajor

Landry’s Avatar
Landry Oct 24, 2018 714 views

How much money should I borrow to become a teacher?

#teacher #moneyprobs #scholarships #studentloans

Ashtyn’s Avatar
Ashtyn Aug 31, 2018 459 views

What is the easiest way to study to become a nurse and what is the hardest part about becoming one?

What is the easiest way to study to become a nurse and what is the hardest part about becoming one? #nursing

Tayler’s Avatar
Tayler May 10, 2018 685 views

Should I follow up with colleges who have rejected me?

I have received rejection letters from a couple of colleges and neither of them said why I was not accepted. I would like to know why I was not chosen, but would they even answer my email? #college #rejection #collegerejection

Tayler’s Avatar
Tayler May 10, 2018 2014 views

Is it possible to double major your freshman year of college and not be overworked?

I have been thinking about double majoring in computer science and accounting my freshman year of college, but a few colleges I have looked into say they do not allow computer science majors to double major. The college I have chosen will allow it, however, I do not want to put my health at...

Braden’s Avatar
Braden Mar 04, 2018 657 views

What is the best way to achieve a civil engineering degree? #workhard #calculators #earth

I am perusing a civil engineering degree and would not like to be stressed out for college. I want to keep my mind clear and focused on my one task. A civil engineering degree. #hardwork #engineering #civil #construction-management

Braden’s Avatar
Braden Mar 04, 2018 806 views

How can I become a mature ideological individual who knows what it truly going on in politics today? #USA #Politics #RorD

I want to know what's truly going on in the world today. I would like to know more about American policies. I am ignorant to U.S. laws as well as loopholes. I wish to become a successful adult and educated citizen. #knowledge #is #power #taxbrackets #budgets.

Viadella’s Avatar
Viadella Sep 27, 2017 665 views

What is the best college to attend for Psychiatric Nursing?

My name is Viadella, I'm in 9th grade, and I want to major in Psychology. I've been interested in Psychiatric Nursing since my uncle was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
#psychology #nursing #college-selection

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Feb 07, 2017 2526 views

How to become a Neurosurgeon?

Okay so I have a question or multiple. I am very uneducated about all of this. I am already taking college classes now. Is there anyway I could just go straight into medical school? What is residency? If it is what I am thinking is there anyway to do reisdency in another state or do you have to...

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